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TW: post-thriller bark spoilers, smoking (done by sanji), slight insecurity of self-worth, female reader

KEY TAGS: post-thriller bark arc spoilers, jealousy, fluff and angst, happy ending, (mutual) pining, love confession, mistletoe kisses 


OPENING NOTE: thanks for clicking on this! please do not repost, copy, modify, or overall plagiarize this work anywhere else please. plagiarism is never acceptable, both in mla 8 format and in fanfiction! for translations, message me, and we can talk about it!

SUMMARY: "Sanji holds the item up close to his eyes, as if he was observing a microscopic specimen, and you tilt your head back to see for yourself what he took. Your eyes widen when you realize what he was holding, and you attempt to steal it back from him. He evades you with ease, simply moving his arm every time you come close to retrieving the green plant speckled with red berries. It's the infamous mistletoe, notorious for forcing two unexpecting people to kiss!"

Or where Vinsmoke Sanji steals mistletoe from you and chases after you, who has been trying to avoid him for the past few weeks now.


You pull out the worn-out, cardboard box labeled "Christmas Decorations" with tiny, green pine trees drawn all over it from the trunk of your personal belongings. You could hardly contain your smile as it is finally time for that beloved box and its contents to make its debut in the Thousand Sunny. Anyone that's been listening to you for the past weeks knows that you are a Christmas enthusiast. You fully understand that it's not right to celebrate Christmas before Thanksgiving, so you've been holding off the decorating until after. Thanksgiving has passed, but there hasn't been any time to decorate since then due to all the bounty hunters and marines chasing after you and the rest of Luffy's crew. Now, it's December 1, and no one is going to stop you from embellishing this ship with Christmas spirit. God save anyone who even tries to stop you.

Considering how ginormous the Thousand Sunny is, you estimate that it would probably take you all day to have red and green tinsel wrapped around the corners of each room and stick window gel clings of snowmen and Santa Claus with his sleigh on every window on the ship. You weren't going to ask your fellow crewmates for help, figuring they each had their own things to do; you weren't going to bother them on one of their few days off. Besides, you didn't mind having to decorate the Thousand Sunny all by yourself. Even though you've been on the Thousand Sunny for a couple of months already, you still haven't had the chance to explore the ship fully, busy with Thriller Bark and all of the other countless enemies Luffy seemed to have gained in the span of less than a year.

Slipping on a thick, winter jacket before leaving, you carry the large-sized box by the hip and step out of the women's quarters. A gust of cold wind instantly slaps you in the face, and you curl into yourself, pulling up your hoodie lined with fake fur. December weather, especially out on the seas, is not predictable in the slightest. At one point in the day, the temperature could be well below freezing with violent, cold gusts of wind and be at a nice eight degrees with calm breezes the next. While the winds were stingingly cold, it is fortunate that the ship was sailing steadily along without the waves jostling it around as if it was in a snowglobe. You debate on going back inside to add another layer of clothing but find it to be too much effort. You'll be inside the ship for the most part anyway. There's not much to do outside on the deck, especially with a lack of a Christmas tree. Luffy, who also has the same festive attitude about Christmas, had promised to get the biggest Christmas tree he could find at the next island you guys dock at.

You cross to the other side of the ship and go first to the aquarium, deciding to start from bottom to top. You also don't want to go to the kitchen just yet in case a certain curly-browed, blonde is there, which is the case more often than not.

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