|Negative x Negative = Positive| Kyoya x Reader ♡

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Ouran High School Host Club
⚠︎Warning(s): Slight Cursing; Bullying; Mentions of Seclusion
Edited on: (1/14/18)


Your POV:

2017 has come and gone and 2018 is taking its place. The sun's powerful rays shun my face, making me scrunch my eyes shut.

Sighing, I roll off my bed and prepare myself for school.

Most people would be all giddy with excitement about a new year. I am not part of 'most people'. To be frank, I hate, no, loathe the New Year.

Why do you ask? To make it simple, nothing changes. My life is miserable and it will stay that way.

Gripping my custom-made uniform, I slip it on. Instead of the puffy, yellow, princess dress (which I despised by the way), I made it a skirt and tie outfit.

It consisted of a white dress shirt, black tie, black Mary Janes, white socks, and one of the guy's blazers. Surprisingly, the headmaster didn't condemn my rebellious act.

Making sure I'm presentable, I trudge down the stairs to the kitchen. I see the maid holding a tray of eggs and pancakes.

"Your breakfast, miss," she bows down while pushing it towards me.

"Thank you," I humbly take it from her and make my way to the dining table.

Sliding it onto the table, I pour maple syrup all over the stack of flapjacks, the sticky liquid dripping down. I stab a fork into the food and pull up to take a bite.

Clamping down the breakfast cake, it slides down my throat smoothly. I repeat the process for the meal and finish in a short amount of time. I dump the plate down inside the sink.

"Prepare the limo for me," I command a nearby maid. She utters out a quick 'yes miss' and scurries off.

I grab my bag and coat. Wearing my jacket, I sling the bag over my shoulder and head out.

The sleek limo was parked perfectly in the front of my house. Sighing once more, I head over to the car and sit on the comforting seat.

The car accelerates and drives over to the famous school, Ouran Academy. I peer out the window, trees turning into slight blurs.

In a few minutes, I arrive at the school. Thanking the driver, I step out of the car and amble my way to the gates.

As I pass by the prestigious students of the academy, I hear murmurs surrounding me. However, a high pitched voice stood out the most.

"Who does she think she is?" The voice squeals and footsteps can be heard closer and closer to me.

I pay no attention and just go at a faster pace. It's quite obvious she was disturbed by the fact she was completely ignored.

"Sh!" One of her evil henchmen tries to quiet her down, "She'll hear you."

"Don't worry," I stop in mid place and turn my head to confront the bitches, "I already did."

Her lackeys all have shocked expression while their leader gives a condescending look.

"Good then," she smirks, "Now you're aware of what the people think of you."

"I like how you consider yourself a person," I retort, "Because your face is caked with makeup, I thought you were a robot trying to disguise yourself as a human."

Her eyebrows furrow and her eyes look a bit..wild.

"What did you just say!?"

She swings her hand to my face and I close my eyes, awaiting the impact. However, I don't feel any contact on my cheek.

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