|Mascot| Takeshi x Reader ♡

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Your Lie in April


Your POV:

"Hey, (Y/N) Chan!"

I turn around from my boyfriend to see one of my best buddies, Takeshi Aiza, rushing over to me with two slips of paper in his hand.

"Takeshi?" I raise an eyebrow with confusion, "What is it?"

"I managed to get tickets to the baseball game for you and your boyfriend! The one you've been looking forward to!"

"Huh?" I smile at him with gratitude, "You really didn't need to get these for me. You should have gotten one for yourself!"

"Oh, I'll be there," he smirks, probably thinking up some dastardly plan, "So, here you are. It's on Saturday at 9:20 in the morning."

"Thanks for the tickets, Ai-Chan!" I call him by his old nickname from when we were kids.

His cheeks show a tint of coral while muttering a quiet, "You're welcome..."

"(Y/N)," My boyfriend, Shouto taps me on the shoulder, "We should be going. I don't think you'd want to miss the movie."

"Oh, right," I wave over to Takeshi, "Maybe I'll see you there. Later, Takeshi!"

My boyfriend drags me away while Takeshi just waves back until I disappear from his line of eyesight.

"What are you and Takeshi?" My boyfriend asks, hints of anger laced in his voice.

"We're just friends," I reply with a confused look, "Why you mad, bro?"

"It's nothing," he sighs and pushes his hair back with his hand, "Do you want to go to the game then?"

"Of course!" I grow giddy with excitement, "This is when my cousin debuts! He couldn't get me tickets because he 'can't do that'."

"You're cousin is going to play in the MBA?" Shouto widens his eyes with surprise, "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I did," I roll my eyes, "I thought you already knew. I told you last week."

"Oh," he chuckles nervously, "Well then, I'll pick you up from your house at 8 o'clock."

"'Kay," I stretch my arms out, "What movie are we watching?"

"War movie," he answers with a smile on his face.

"Again?" I let out a breath as we had already watched a war movie the week before, "Can't we just watch Love, Simon?"

"Too bad," Shouto frowns at my displeasure for the choice, "I had already bought the tickets beforehand."

"Sigh, okay," I press my lips into a thin line, "Don't blame me for sleeping. I'll just ask Takeshi to take me to watch Love Simon."

"You shouldn't be able to sleep with all the commotion going on," he rebuts, getting agitated at my comment about Takeshi, "Why do you even hang out with Takeshi? His hair is literally two feet tall and he's a pianist!"

"So what?" I scoff at how immature he was being, "Don't insult my friends. His hair is special and he can play the piano better than anyone!"

"Sure," he furrows his brows, "Sigh, why did you even come with me? I should've gone alone."

"Because you invited me!" I shout before covering my mouth, "Sorry, that was rude of me."

He looks taken aback before regaining his usual composure, "Yeah, same here."

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