|Sick| Mutsumi x Reader ♡

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Kiss Him Not Me!


Your POV: 

"Sniff, Sniff," I try to inhale clearly but it came out stuffy and unclear, "Am I...sick? Last night, I did have a sore throat. Well, this -cough!- is just great."

Sighing, I roll off the bed and head into the bathroom next to me. Living by myself was such a hassle but it has its perks.

"Do I even have medicine?" I fumble through the medicine cabinet, trying to find something for a cough and runny nose relief.

Sadly, I only had one pill left in the Luminex packet that could only last for four hours. It's better than nothing, I guess.

Swallowing the pill, I squeeze my eyes shut. I was never good at doing pills like at all.

"Maybe my boyfriend can bring some," I clutch my head with dizziness as I stumble on my way back to my room, "I'll just get some rest after I call the school that I'm sick."

Dialing the number on my phone, the phone rings for a bit and the secretary answers.

"Who is this?"

"This is (Y/N) (L/N) of Class 3-A, third year," I respond while sniffling, "I called to say that I won't be coming to school today due to sickness."

"You don't sound sick to me," the secretary pauses for a bit before I add a convincing cough, "Fine. I'll be telling your homeroom teacher. Have a good day."

"You too," I hang up and flop on my bed, "I guess this is a good time to catch up on my K-Drama!"


Mutsumi's POV:

"Hey, Daichi San," I ask my seatmate something, "Do you know where (Y/N) is?"

"She could be running late," he shrugs in response, "Why do you want to know?"

"I don't know," I sigh and peer over at the empty desk in front of me. It was unlike her to be running late.

"Maybe you have the hots for her?" Daichi's remark makes me jolt in my chair.

"Wh-What do you mean by that?" I stammer, perplexed by the comment.

"Someone likes (L/N) Sannnnn~!" Daichi teases while nudging me in the stomach, "I mean, it's so obvious! You address her by using her first name, you hang out almost every day, and who knows what's going on in that clubroom of yours..."

"It's not like that at all!" I reject the idea, being it the most preposterous thing I've heard all day, "Besides, she has a boyfriend already. I can't interfere like that..."

"See? Aha!" The orange-haired student points at me accusingly, "You do like her!"

"For the last time, I don't!" I can feel the blood rush up to my cheeks.

Suddenly, the teacher comes into the room and I stand up straight. As class president, I have the obligation of doing morning introductions.

"Stand," I announce as everyone does so, "Bow."

All of the students obey my command and go back to their seats.

"Thank you, Mutsumi San," my teacher nods to me before continuing on, "(L/N) San will be out today due to her having a cold."

"Well, that should put an ease to your worries," my seatmate wriggles his eyebrows at me, "Or increase them?"

"She should be fine," I smile at him gently contrasting to what Had actually felt on the inside. Despite my smile, I did feel a sort of unease from the girl's absence.

Anime x Reader Oneshots! | MAJOR RECONSTRUCTION |Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora