Chapter 16

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Madeline sits at the edge of the pool and begins to take her shoes and socks off. Lando sits next to her, doing the same. "You have small feet" he mentions. Madeline looks down at her feet as she places them in the pool. "Can I ask a question?" Lando looks at Madeline as she continues to watch her feet create waves in the pool. "What question would that be?" he asks. Madeline just sitting in the silence moves her feet around the pool aimlessly. "I can't really say what it is like to be in shoes like yours, but I want to know why you are so..." Madeline stops herself from speaking further. Her heart was telling her to word this carefully. "so what Madeline?" her and Lando make eye contact. They hold each others attention for enough time until Madeline has to cave in and blink. "Why you are so defensive. I get that you value your privacy, but in public you are offish, but then alone like this... it is a completely different version of you. I thought you felt guilty, which is why you wanted to meet, but now, I don't even know" Lando looks away from Madeline. "I want to get to know you. You were right in that I am guarded, and out of all the people I know, I know it the most that I am like that" Madeline looks over at Lando who is not making eye contact with her. "I think that you could be a really nice person, and I need to let myself get to know you. I mean you manage my socials really well compared to the last, but I guess I was just wanting you to not know too much about me , because I don't want..." Madeline smiles with a small sigh. "Your life plastered all over the social media, when you want certain things privatised" Lando nodded. 

"Why did you get into social marketing?" Madeline leans back on her hands. "It wasn't by choice" Lando looks at her surprised. " I moved away" Madeline begins to say. She turns to look at him again. "I started again, and this was the first thing I was accepted an interview on" Lando wanted to prod a bit further but felt like this was not going to be the best time for it. "So what was your job before this" Madelines smile erupts from her face from the memories. "I was mechanic engineer, but more in the science then anything else" Lando now intruiged begins to ask more questions.

The night was slipping them both by fast, not realising the time that they were spending together.

"I mean Carly and I were plastered. And we really thought if we were to heat the gummy bear to the temperature it needed to be at, it would act as a glue bond for the fan wheel to stick to in her car. And we were right, but we didn't think few miles down the road that the gummy bear in the taxis car would be hot again and cause the fan in fact to get stuck to another fan blade, and cause the engine to fail completely." Lando was laughing. He was really in deep thought about Madeline. He thought he was over reacting with a lot of stuff and knew that Mick was right, that he just needed to get to know her. He could see himself getting along with her and talking for the rest of the night . Lando touchers her leg, and looks at her , as she looks at him. In the moment of pure and utter silence where they were just in each others bubbles Lando's phone alarm goes off. "Fuck" he mutters as he looks down and sees the time. Lando puts his phone away and begins to get his belongings together. "It was really nice spending some time with you, you are alot funnier than I thought" Madeline smiles. "Rude, but I could say the same" Lando bites his lip.

"The Password for the socials... Its a 9 letters and it is something sweet" Lando stands up. Madeline rushing around at the cryptic message. "Lando , seriously no games we need to get stuff done tomorrow and I need that password" Lando as he runs off shouts "You'll get it I am sure"

Madeline kicks her feet in frustration in the water. "FUCK" she was having a great night, and getting to know him, and to pull this was only going to frustrate her . She looks at her phone and realises that she has less than 3 hours to get the password. 

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