T W E N T Y - S E V E N

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"Alright everything looks fine Shisui did a great job - remember NO sex for 6 weeks " Lady Tsunade said at our appointment "congrats  both of you" she smiled 

" do you have names ?" Rin asked giving us one each . 

" oh yeah that " Shisui face palmed . 

" I have a name or names " I whispered 

" tell me " Rin smiled 

" for my pretty girl -  Uchiha Shi ( pronounced Shy ) spell it S - H - I and for my son Uchiha Sui   S- U - I " I said blushing 

Shisui's eyes widened when he realized . 

" they are wonderful names and their spelt like Shisui's " Rin said handing me their birth certificate 

" Isa why woul- " he began 

" because without you I wouldn't be here today , I don't know if I would still be alive or as happy as I am now let me do this as a thank you " I smiled . He blushed and nodded . 

When we got home they were asleep - again so Shisui and I decided to sit on the couch and read some books .I on his lap reading when I heard a knock at the door . 

" HEYYYYY Isa- chan " Naruto yelled 

" shut up you loser you'll wake my kids " Sasuke knocked him on the head . I opened the door and hugged the two boys who now stood above me . 

" we heard what happened - that was so cool you had a natural water birth and you named the kids a cool variation of Shisui's - sick " Naruto said shaking me violently . 

" where are my kids Shisui " Sasuke said bluntly pulling Naruto's hand . 

" oy I wasn't finish talking to Isa-" Naruto started Sasuke pulled him into a kiss " what was that for ?" 

" because I felt like now come on " he said as they went into the room others filled in and I got meet Izumi's daughter Mira and finally Kakashi's girlfriend . There was a literal crowd in my home - they all eventually left and it was quiet again, Shisui was laying down and I heard quiet fuss from the twins room , I went over to pick up Shi who seemed to be hungry but she  didn't want the tea - everything else was fine when I checked hm- maybe she was tired I put her next to Shisui who cuddled her like was a stuff animal and she went back to sleep .

I smiled with my arm around Shisui's waist as he turned to me . 

" your still my favorite girl" he grinned 

I blushed deeply and cuddled up under him 


My regular clothes just made my stomach still look big , I only wore Shisui's clothes to hide it , my stomach still hadn't strunk back down to it's normal size it was soft and my normal pants wouldn't fit and with my tight fitting wear my stomach would stick  out .  Shisui was too busy with the kids and other stuff he didn't notice how isolated I made myself and quiet I had become.

" Isa my love I'm taking the kids for a walk - I'll see you in a bit " he waved with both of the babies in his hand . 

I nodded opening the door for him as he left , I wanted to go to but no one invited me anywhere anymore they only for Shisui and babies to see them or to take them either way  all I had on was Shisui's sleep shirt and a sweat pants my hair was messy and I looked tired from getting up every 2 to 3 hours to feed and take care of them , I wasn't eating much and never slept much - I looked frail  . Put I decided I go out and eat some rice and bbq by myself as a treat . I put on sweater and a high waist pants and I kinda looked like my self again, I fixed my hair tried to shake off  the sleepy look and walked out , and out of the compound . 

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