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"Can't you see that I like you?" Heeseung confessed.

Yeonni's eyes grow bigger as she heard that.

"I do--"

Yeonni stop talking as they both looked at the door.

Someone was trying to open the door with a key. Heeseung clear his throat and waiting for his parents to get in the house.

"Yeonni." Mrs. Lee said in surprised but still smiling to her.

"Hi aunty." Yeonni smiled back as she trying to pretended nothing was happened.

"Oh... Are you sick?" Yeonni mom looked at the bowl of water and the wet towel on the table.

"Who?" Asked Mr. Lee.

"Heeseung, you looked pale. Are you okay dear?" Mrs. Lee get close to Heeseung and feel his forehead.

Yeonni stood up and stood a bit far from them.

"I'm fine mom." Heeseung push his mother's hand slowly and looked at Yeonni.

"You can go home now, thanks for taking care of me." He said with his poker face but smile when he looked at his mother.

"Why in hurry, stay for a bit." Heeseung's mother said.

"Mom, she's tired let her go home." Said Heeseung.

Yeonni can feel how sad she is when Heeseung treat her coldly.

"I will go now, take care." She smile at Mrs. Lee and Heeseung but Heeseung didn't even looked at her.

Yeonni took her bag and bowed to Heeseung's parents.

As soon as she reach her room, she drop her body on her bed as she screams on her pillow.

"Did he really confess to me?" Yeonni smiled as she happy that Heeseung like her back.

But her smile was gone when she remembered how Heeseung treat her coldly earlier.

"He was uncomfortable that's all." Yeonni said to herself, trying to think positive as possible as she can.

+ + +

Next day, Yeonni explained everything that happened yesterday to Lucy.

Lucy squealing when Yeonni told her everything. "Gurl, you really need to tell him your feelings or you're dead." Lucy smile to her as she keep shaking Yeonni's hand.

Yeonni let go of her hand and smile to Lucy. "I will, don't worry."

They looked to the front when the teacher suddenly walked in the class.

"Morning class, I have some announcement to say so listen carefully because I will not repeat my word." Said Mrs. Shin.

"The campus will held a lucky draw for everyone on this campus, so I hope you all will participate and if you will then just tell me."

"Only 10 lucky person will get chosen."

"Since the holiday will be in two months the price will related for that. Goodluck for any of you that participate."

Mrs. Shin then continued the class as usual. Lucy nudged Yeonni but Yeonni shushed her.

"Let's talk later." She said making Lucy pouted.

When the class end, Lucy hold Yeonni's hand and smile widely.

"Let's join the lucky draw, it sounds fun."

"Sure let's go." Yeonni agreed and stood up to see Mrs. Shin.

After they participate the lucky draw, Lucy and Yeonni both going to the cafeteria for lunch.

Yeonni sat first at some random table with only banana milk since she's not hungry.

"Heeseung...." Yeonni saw him as she called him but her voice become low when Heeseung was smiling and talking to the girl beside him.

That was the second time Yeonni saw the girl. She started to get curious about her.

"Yeonni~" Sunoo suddenly sat beside her as he hugged her.

Yeonni let he hugged her while still staring at Heeseung who was walking passed the cafeteria.

"Yah." Sunoo pushed her shoulder because he thought she was spacing out.

"Huh?" Yeonni looked at him as she was dumbfounded.

"Since when did you get here?" Asked Yeonni.

"I just got here." He shrugged and took Yeonni's banana milk.

"Hey! it's mine idiot." Yeonni quickly took back her drink before Sunoo can sip it.

"Oh, since when did you get here?" Asked Lucy as she just got there.

"I just got here." Sunoo repeated his word as he smile to Lucy.

"Did you join the lucky draw by the way?" Asked Sunoo.

"We did, did you?" Said Lucy as she looked at Yeonni time to time.

"Mhm, me and Jake."

Lucy nodded and frowning while looking at Yeonni.

Lucy waved her chopstick in front of Yeonni yet she still didn't blink.

Sunoo saw how Yeonni was spacing out. He then took her banana milk and drink it until it's empty.

"Yeonni, what are you thinking?" Lucy stop eating and giving her full attention to Yeonni.

Yeonni blink her eyes and looked at Lucy, "nothing." She said.

"I will go now bye." Sunoo quickly walked away making them weirdly looking at him.

"What the...." Said Lucy while still looking at where Sunoo run.

"Aish that dude." Yeonni realized Sunoo run away after he drink her banana milk.

Lucy shook her head and continued eating.

+ + +

Yeonni's POV

My class was end and I'm excited to see Heeseung outside my class since he always waiting for me so both of us can go home together.

But when I walked out from the class, I don't see Heeseung at all. I looked around but still didn't spot him anywhere.

"Maybe he still in his class?" I said to myself but still worried that he's not here yet.

I call him but he didn't pick up making me worried. "Where is he?" I said while taping my feet on the floor.

After waiting him for 1 hour at the bus stop, I decided to go home since the sky already dark.

While in the bus, I keep thinking if something bad happen to him or he just forgot to text me.

I was in front of my house and was about to get in when I saw Heeseung and the girl that I saw at the cafeteria today just walked out from Heeseung's house.

Heeseung was smiling to her as he and her going somewhere else.

"Is he even see me standing here?" I asked myself and got in the house while feeling sad that I didn't get to talk with him for the whole day.

+ + +


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