Chapter 20

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"What If don't want to kill?" The aberration spoke out into the void. "My whole life has been covered in blood and death, I don't want to hurt anyone."

"The world is forcing your hand, making you choose, but you don't have to anymore. They abandoned you, cast you aside like a stray mutt and continued living, while you suffered. Does that sound like they care, like they still love you? You'll never be Barry Allen to them." The voice answered in return.

"No! They didn't abandon me. They- they didn't forget me, I know they didn't." He said, trying to wholeheartedly believe it, bet even he knew they would never see him that way again, and it broke him, so he tried to lie to himself. "I'm Barry. I'm their Barry."

"No, your just a mistake to them. An aberration. You have to choose who you're going to be now. Embrace the blood and death and take back what's yours!" The aberration rose his hands, looking as they shook, and he closed his eyes, sucking in a sharp breath. He let out a long shaky breath and he dropped his arms, eyes glowing with a crimson fury as an idea came to him, a way to even the odds.

Ramsey Russo's curiosity peaked as heard the alarm blaring overhead, before Argus was enveloped in darkness. A sudden flash of lightning filled the mans ears, filling the room that was black as night with a bright flash of red. "Well, well, what a welcome surprise, Flash." Ramsey smirked, raising his head to look at the scarlet speedster, but as he laid his eyes upon the figure before him, he furrowed his eyebrows. "You're not..."

"I'm not the Flash." The aberration confirmed, his voice dark and eyes a bright crimson as red lightning enveloped his body as he stepped towards the mental augmentation chamber.


Barry looked over the scene, swabbing the boot print on the marble floor and placing it within an evidence bag, before he saw two pairs of feet stepping towards him. He peered up, surprised to see Lyla and Diggle smiling down at him. "Hey, what brings you guys here?" 

"Well, we needed to talk to you about an incident in Argus that you might know something about." Lyla said, and Barry furrowed his eyebrows, tearing off his gloves and rising to his feet. Lyla turned her phone around, displaying the security footage they had captured and Barry's demeanors shifted form confused to concerned as he realized what he was looking at. "Can you tell us why someone who looks like you broke into Argus, stole Ramsey Russo's meta abilities, and killed him?"

"its a long story." Barry let out with a heavy breath, and the two stared at him expectantly. "Which I can explain." Barry looked around as the surrounding officers to make sure the coast was clear before he grabbed the two and flashed them all to Star Labs. Barry soon realized what he had done, and before he could apologize Diggle was running in search of somewhere acceptable to vomit. 

The two waited for the man to finish, awkwardly shifting their feet back and forth until eventually Diggle shuffled back into the cortex, eyeing Barry dirtily. "Start talking." The man spoke quietly. 

"When the Monitor first told me I was destined to die, I didn't believe him. I tried to travel to the future to see it for myself but the speedforce was blocked by anti-matter. I hit it a wall of it, and actually passed through a pocket of something called the negative speedforce which created a time remnant, an identical copy of myself from a different moment in time. I only recently found out when he escaped the speedforce, and he's becoming something darker."

Lyla and Diggle stared at Barry, almost in disbelief, but quickly composed themselves. "Do you have any idea where this time remnant could be now?" Lyla inquired, and before Barry could answer, an alert began to echo in Star Labs. Barry moved quickly to the center in the cortex, turning on all the monitors. They all peered up at the news anchor who was reporting on the sighting of strange streaks of blood throughout the streets of central city.  Barry furrowed his eyebrows, intently listening in to what the reporting was saying before being caught off guard as the aberration himself came to a halt behind the woman. 

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