Chp. 20 Unknown

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From: Unknown

I am writing to tell you that in your life you've made mistakes, you've suffered from many things, if you are seeking help, please feel free to contact me. 

From: Unknown

Did you get my last email, I want you to know I am still here, am I still alive in your heart? Why can't you just be normal and seek professional help. 

From: Unknown 

I will be professional and apologize for my behavior through the last email, I just miss seeing you. Your family wants you to be safe. You've turned into a monster. 

From: Unknown

Ha! you thought I was trying to actually be professional, well screw you and your behaviors, you underestimated look I'm only trying to believe...that it happened...that you are who you are. What are you again?

From: Unknown

Oh wow!!! shocking that you did this, look what you've done. I am so happy nobody likes you. Those dreams killed you didn't' they. I am so glad I created you. Guess what...this is your mom. You FREAK!!!! never come home again, how could you do this, HOW??? I wish you none other than the worst. I tried letting you come back into our lives but how could you be non-binary now. Stupid you are!!

From: Ryder

Once there was a girl named Autumn, she had these dreams. She lost herself. But the ending is not over. She will have a happy ending. I will not kill my stories or my mind. You can keep everything you stole from me; I don't wish you luck either. logging off for now...your favorite daughter....

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