Chp. 11 A new path

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Waking up in the morning, Natasha was still sleeping. She looked so happy, probably dreamed about me. The doctor came in but noticed Natasha so he kept quiet and told me I could leave at any time. Handing me a bag of my clothes and stuff, I quickly got dressed quietly. She noticed me as I put on my shirt, she glanced away but I laughed and said it was fine. She got up and went to the bathroom, like thanks a lot. I needed to go so bad and this girl just took my spot. I laughed inside and started knocking on the bathroom door. She opened it and said I could go and she would wait. She was so nice and respectful to me. I got out and then waited for her. We were ready to leave but I didn't know where I was going. She looked at me with a smile and asked where I was going. At this point I didn't even respond with words, because what could I say about going nowhere. She then got the hint and told me to get everything ready. We walked out slowly because I was still in pain. I did tell her I had to go to the pharmacy to get my pills the doctor prescribed me. When we got outside, I noticed a really nice car parked in front. It was green and kinda looked like a race car (the fancy ones). We walked closer to it, and guess what? The car was Natasha's.  She opened the door politely, I entered and waited for her to finish putting my stuff in the trunk. She got inside and asked if I was cold or warm and just made every little conversation the cutest. She really cared about me. We drove to the pharmacy and when we got there she told me to wait in the car and she would go and get the pills for me. I waited for what seemed like hours, but finally she came out and had a small bag in her hand. When she got inside the car, she gave me the bag and told me to enjoy. Inside the bag was some candy and three drinks that I usually drink. I almost cried but thanked her by kissing her on the cheek and literally smiling so much. She drove with one hand and the other hand holding mine. It felt like a love story that wasn't real but was. How ironic tho lol. 

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