Chp. 21 The End

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Autumn suffered after that night in the hotel, she cried for hours hoping for Lindsey to come back...they never did until one very night....

The three of them stared at each other...hoping to fall in love with autumn. Three vs 1, Who would it have been? Autumn never knew that answer, but one ring was placed on her finger that night. She would have been so much happier with her. When she took her own life, she never regretted it due to all the sadness. Gay! That was it...she was gay, and nobody accepted her in her family. Natasha, Lindsey, and her best friend. Those were the three that night. She had choices throughout her story, her own mindfulness. She could have chosen one prior to that night in the hotel...but now she will be dreaming of a new girl for eternity. 

To: Ryder, From: Ryder

Side note - Exclude names, delete them, DELETE THEM, I SAID DeLeTE them. Now ends the story, you have a path now to follow. Get help, be happy, be well....logging off for now, Love Ryder. 

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