Chp. 7 This Feeling Becoming Real

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I woke up very quick realising I was in the hospital and hurting more than my dream. My parents ran to me quickly to make sure I wasn't trying to get up and run away. Jessica and my brother were not in the room. I asked my parents what happened and they told me the same thing my "lover" said which was I got hit by a car and passed out. I was happy to hear that and asked them if I had any other visitors. They were trying to think of any but I turned away, ''honey, there was a girl here and she was the one who rushed you to the hospital,''What? Why would a paramedic come see me? ''No, not a paramedic, see when you were bleeding too much and the ambulance was busy and they were going to take long, well anyways she picked you up and ran with you to the hospital which was not far''. I felt a tear slip down my cheek, I was happy that this girl from my dream was real. I was crying when Jessica walked into the room, she started crying too. My parents let us be alone, they knew too what happened I guess. We both were silent so I had to say something. ''Jessica, i'm sorry about what happened and didn't mean to yell at you'', ''no its my fault, I shouldn't have yelled at you for anything, I get it, we both had stuff we had to deal with''. Me and Jessica ended up laughing over some stupid joke and hugged each other because that's how we dealt with our situations. ''Jessica, can I talk to you about something..?'' for the whole day I told her about all my dreams because I trusted her, especially because I told her about the last dream I had before I woke up. She definitely gave me advice about what to do and what not to do, of course. Three days went by, and my parents were finally coming to bring me home. They released me with a smile and a note. I opened the note in the car, it was from that girl who saved me (well the girl from my dream would do this of course lol). In the note it had an address and a phone number. I told my parents to bring me to this address so I could thank her (well finally meet her). My parents agreed after arguing for 5 minutes. The address took us to a gated area of rich houses, but her house was the nicest one and had an extra gate to get into her yard. I told my parents to pick me up later, so they drove off and I would text them later. I pressed the button on the gate to talk to someone. ''Hello miss, can I help you?'' I told the man I was here to see some woman who helped me and kinda explained the whole story. I could tell he was quite annoyed but he told me to come in. Their yard had a nice fountain in the middle and I could see a tennis court in the backyard. The door to their house was huge and opened with a man who wore a nice suit, probably the guy on the intercom. He led me to a huge room and offered me a drink, which I kindly rejected. He told me to wait and so I did until a woman probably in her 20's walked in. She was pretty and looked like she had just gotten out of the gym, and here I was looking like a girl who had just gotten out of school. "My apologies, I just got out of my gym, im natasha and you must be here to see me to thank me about the other day i'm guessing?'' What, this is not the girl in my dreams, who was she, wait if she was the one who saved me then where is the girl of my dreams? I thanked her but was upset and she offered me a tour of the house because she could tell I was shy. The house was beautiful and I even told her that. She thanked me but she told me that I could have this if I worked hard enough for it because anything is possible. We got to know each other over dinner but I eventually had to go, She grabbed my hand and told me I could come over at anytime. I asked her why she liked me so much. ''You're different from other strangers, see everyone usually comes to see me for money and even tho I saved you, I need friends and Im guessing I gave you that note so I could at least talk to someone". I told her to hold on, I texted my parents and told them im staying over her house and informed about everything about her, so they let me which was rare. I turned back to her and told her I was sleeping over. ''Well you're quite demanding'' she laughed and nodded meaning yes, I was staying here overnight. We played tennis and even played volleyball in her pool at night. We got bored so I hopped onto the floaties she had and kinda relaxed. We had so much fun and I'm glad I made her night. ''Nobody has ever played volleyball with me in this pool, except you'' she was blushing but I knew I couldnt kiss her cause who knows maybe she wasnt gay. We went inside and had ice cream and made a whole mess and laughed the entire time. She led me to a room that looked like a club, and she even had a karaoke machine so that's all we did was sing. This whole thing felt so similar and my thoughts went back to my dream with the college party or whatever it was and when me and that girl sang together. She got closer and we were interrupted. She told me to stay here and she would be back. She returned in a few minutes but I had to definitely ask her what that was. She told me her sister just got back and her sister's upstairs so we wouldn't be bothered. We went to the living room and watched tv or whatever she wanted. We asked each other questions and I asked her about her family, especially her sister. She told me that her parents ran away when she was 8 and that her sister was younger than her and she was left to take care of her sister and that was her only goal until her sister decided to start a singing career in music and started singing in public and even got a band and then left home for a couple of months to play at other clubs and bars. But this time she came back again and she even explained how sometimes she got so lonely because all of her sister's friends disappeared after she left. I asked her whats her sister's name and she told me her name is lindsey. A cute name for a little girl, then she added that she is 18 and I got taken back by my word of cute. She went to go take a shower and I was brought to the guest room by the butler. The room beside me was locked and closed and probably was where natasha was. I got changed in some fancy casual clothing that natasha had lended me. The shower was turned on and I decided to listen to a song on my phone while randomly dancing, but now I was being interrupted by lindsey. She was singing and recording a song which made me tear up a little because her voice was beautiful. Wait, hold up, this is getting weird and too real. Its her, I recognized the voice as soon as she started to sing the low notes. The girl in my dreams was in the room next to me. Oh no, what do I do? I don't want to be weird, but i need to see her. The music stopped and for a minute there was nothing but silence. A few minutes later, I heard the shower stopped and both doors opened at the same time. Silence still from the halls, I was nervous that they would start arguing so I stepped out too. I looked straight first to natasha which she then nodded and left, then of course I had to look at lindsey to my right. So beautiful, I knew it was her and she looked the same from the dream but even better because she was real. She was staring at me, it was awkward. Should I tell her? Or should i walk away and never know? So i just asked if she knew me, but she never had a clue of who I was. I asked if I could tell her something which she said yes and that's when I told the whole story. By the end of it, She seemed astonished but very happy to meet me. And I was happy to meet her. She was gay but she didn't think she would meet a girl who had dreams of her every night. But we talked until I went to watch a movie with her sister, who had been already sitting on the couch waiting for me. This was going to be a long love story because there were two girls who possibly likes me and one of them being someone who i had dreams of. Who would I choose? It was hard to make this decision but I let life choose who my heart belongs to. Both beautiful and friendly, but one has left her family and the other is lonely and rich. Who cared about the money i would feel the same if I was alone and desperate for friends. But i think i knew how this was going to end. 

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