Chapter 10: I almost do 💍

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Tine's POV

When I drove into the city hall, my heart was pacing faster and faster with every passing second. Sarawat had already climbed out of the car on the main entrance to meet his assistance and I drive inside the parking lot.

I checked my reflection again in the car's rear view mirror one more time. I was really doing this and there was no other way about it.

There were still a billion reasons in my head to not go ahead with this entire fake marriage but I still somehow found myself walking towards the city hall door.

And right when I was thinking of just turning around and leaving, I saw Sarawat smiling at me from a distance holding a bouquet of yellow flowers in his hand.

I was smiling back at him before I had even registered what I was doing.

"What are these?" I asked, finally standing close to him.

"These are for you" Sarawat said, handing me the bouquet.

"Daffodils?" I asked, still very confused.

"Yes, they are daffodils."

I stared at the flowers and then back at him. "Why?"

Sarawat just shrugged his shoulders and looked back at his assistant instead, who was standing just a foot away from us. There was also one more person with him, who I assumed was Sarawat's laywer

"Dim, are all the papers in place?"

"Yes, they are ready for the both of you. We should go."

Dim led us through many doors of the city hall and we finally arrived in a small corner room with three people sitting around the desk. The woman in the middle was obviously the marriage officiant, another woman to the side was the stenographer, and there was another man who was probably on clerical duty to handle all the files and documents.

"Good morning, " Sarawat said as soon as we entered the room. He intertwined his hand in mine. My other hand was holding the daffodils. Looking up at him, I realised that in that moment we really did look like a couple who were excited to get married. May be that's why Sarawat bought the suit and the flowers — he just wanted us to fit the part.

"Good morning." The officiant said. "You are.... "

"Sarawat Guntithanon." Sarawat announced. I tried to smile a little and not show the obvious nervousness I had. We were supposed to pretend like we were two people in love. Not two people that were about to commit marriage fraud.

"And you are.... Mr Tine Teepakorn?" She said, reading my name off of the papers she had with her.

"Yes, that's correct."

"I have all of your documentation with me already. Could you please give me your IDs for verification and then we'll proceed?" She said.

I watched as Sarawat took out his driver's license and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Really? A driver's license? Did you pay someone to get one?" I whispered in his ear.

"Hey! I can drive, okay?"

"Sure, superman."

He smiled, shook his head, and took his ID with mine, putting it on the table in front of the officiant.

Wow. I didn't even know the officiant would need IDs for verification. Turns out I had studied too much about marital law and too little about how marriages got registered in the court. But then again, I never

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