Bobbys 19th

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Bobby's POV
I wake up on my birthday to see Dana in my arms, she stayed over last night. I then see balloons, a card and presents, I look at dana smiling at me and kiss her, she kisses back and says " happy birthday babe". I say " thank you so much babe" ,  we make out for a bit and the lay next to each other wi her in my arms. " I look at her and say " I could do that forever", " before card and presents I think we should talk about our future kids" Dana says. " " I want at least a boy and a girl" I say Dana nods and passes me my card (to bobby Happy birthday, I love you so much and I can't wait to start a family with you, I know you'll be an amazing dad but after uni, I don't think we're ready yet but if it was to happen sooner than it's more time to love them, you are the most amazing, caring, loving, thoughtful,generous and handsome person I've ever met love Dana).

Dana's POV
We kiss and he says " thank you so much babe", he pulls me onto his lap and I hand him the presents, ( clothes, a new iPhone,shoes, aftershave and a few other thing Including a photo frame with our favourite photo together( it was taken last New Years)). He kisses me and says " thank you so much baby you're the best girlfriend ever ", we kisss and then head downstairs. We see Ian,Kathy and Peter they all wish him a happy birthday and he hugs them and thanks them. We spend the rest of the day with friends and family and even madi's here, janes told her how he felt and she fells the same. I see Peter waving me over and I walk Over to him and he says " bobby is lucky to have you, you two would make amazing parent in the future" I hug him and say " thanks and I can't wait to meet Louie one day", he says " when I visit Exeter I'll bring him down with me if it's okay with his mum". We just got back to Bobby's and we go up to his room and watch a movie, in the middle of the movie bobby turns to me and says " thanks for today babe, I don't deserve you ". I pause the movie turn the tv of and open my arms for him, he comes in and I sit on his lap and say " bobby Beale you absolutely do deserve me, your so kind and caring to everyone you meet and I can't wait for our future because I've not even met Louie yet and I class him as my nephew, that's how much I care about you and you're familly". We kiss and spend the rest of the night taking selfies and watch the rest of the film then fall asleep hugging.

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