Bobbys run over

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Dana's POV
Today is going great, me and Bobby are shopping in Exeter city centre,  we're walking across the street, when I see a car speeding towards me then bobby pushes me out the way.  I get up and see Bobby unconscious on the ground, the car stops, I run over to him and say  " bobby babe please be okay", the driver apologised and rung an ambulance. I'm waiting in the hospital Bobby's still unconscious and it's not looking good, I call Peter " hello", I reply " Peter, Bobby's been run over and it's not looking good I think you should come down", he says " don't worry I'll be there as soon as I can". I see Bobby's doctor and he says " he's going to be okay, he'll have to stay overnight as a precaution but  you can see him he's not awake yet". I reply "thank you so much", I walk into his room and wait for him to wake up, Peter comes in and says " what happened ", i reply "  speeding car, it was going to hit me until he pushed me out the way", " he says " Lauren's outside get a drink and I'll let you know if he wakes up" I leave the room to go and get a drink.

Bobby's POV
I wake up and see Peter, he says " how r u felling " I reply " I'm okay Is Dana okay " , he says " she's fine and has gone to get a drink, I'll go get her so you can see her and then leave you to , me and Lauren will just be outside",I reply " okay thanks". He goes to get Dana, she comes in and says " babe thank god you're okay  , I wouldn't know what to do if I lost you", I kiss her and reply " babe you're the love of my life and That's why I pushed you out the way because a life without you is a life worth living", we kiss and fall asleep hugging with her in my arms.

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