Dana proposes to bobby

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Dana's POV
I'm so nervous, today I'm going to propose to bobby, I hope he says yes. I think Bobby can tell there's something different,about the way I'm acting, we're sat in our living room right now,he looks at me and says " babe are you okay". I reply " yeah I'm fine", he pulls me into him and says, " you're acting really strange, r u pregnant ", I reply " no but if I was I think we be ready for it, I mean I would prefer to be older but I'm going to be honest with you, I'm acting weird because of a surprise for you happening tonight, that's all your getting". I can tel he's suspicious and I want to tell him, I say "close your eyes, I'll be back with your sunrise in a minute", I get the ring from our bedroom.

Bobby's POV
Dana tells me to open my eyes, so I do, and I can't believe it, she's down on one knee with an engagement ring. She smiles and says " bobby Beale, you're the most caring , loving, generous, thoughtful and amazing person I've ever met.I love you so much, and I can't wait for our kids to have you as their dad, I'm so exited for our future, so will you make me the happiest girl alive and marry me?". I'm in tears I manage to say " it was a yes from the second I met you", we kiss passionately and I pick her up and spin her around. I put her down and we tell our family's and there all really happy for us, right now We're on a FaceTime call with Peter and Lauren we've told them and Lauren's gone to get louie, so we can tell him, we tell him and his reaction is so cute. Ounce our call ends we go into the city centre to celebrate, we find a bar and have cocktails, I look at her and say " I can't wait to marry you", we kiss and head back to the apartment and he'd to bed cuddling and she's asleep so I kiss her head.

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