23. Harry drunk AGAIN

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Why do I keep finishing things earlier than I planned it to?!
Well anyway I hope you enjoy

Have a beautiful ... wherever you are


The boys were having a Party again, they were celebrating their Album. Guess what - Harry bought his favorite wine again.

"Pleaaaaase Harry, no", Liam pleaded.
But Harry already drank his first glass.

(Liam's PoV)
Oh God. He's doing it again. No. No I can't relive that.
"I trust you that you know how much you're drinking okay?", I said sternly before continuing the party.
I was happy until I saw Harry stumbling to me again, exactly like 6 days ago. I got scared and shouted: "LOUIS COME HERE RIGHT NOW"
He came running instantly only to gasp at Harry. Just then Harry vomited and leaned on me like 6 days ago. My breathing started to get faster.
Then Harry passed out.
"Carry him to the front Li", Louis commanded. I just stood there frozen  wishing that this was just a bad dream. It wasn't because Louis took my shaking hands and said: "Look, I know this is hard for you because of last time, but do this for me. And Harry. Now carry him to the front"
I nodded, a few tears slipping on my face. Then I took Harry to the front bridal style.
"I'm proud of you Li. You're doing amazing", Louis encouraged me while he set a pillow under Harry's neck and elevated his feet.
"He's got a strong pulse Li. We'll just wait for him to wake up."


There's always a but.

But Harry lost his pulse this time again.


'Why again', I thought to myself.

Louis panicked then, too. He went to call the ambulance.
"You know how to do CPR right?", he asked panicky and I nodded.
"Do it again"
I froze, my eyes wide. I frantically shook my head as tears streamed on my face.
"Come on, Harry's dying!"

I fell on my knees beside Harry and got into position.
"1...2....3...", I counted.
I gave him 2 rescue breaths again.
Pictures of last time flashed my mind.
Louis rubbed my back as I sobbed loudly while I did CPR on my brother.
"Paramedics are here", Zayn announced as he joined the scene.
Someone tapped my shoulder and through the tears i saw the same paramedic that treated him 6 days ago. He gave me an apologetic smile.
"You saved his life 2 times mate"

I just stared at him while I got up on shaky knees. When I saw the man continue CPR on Harry I felt sick. Nauseous.
"Gonna be sick", I mumbled before running to the toilet to vomit. Zayn followed as well as Niall. They tried to comfort me but I kept throwing up.

"Hey. Calm down yeah? Harry's in good hands now. It was dumb from him to drink that much again okay? It's not your fault, God you saved his life twice now!", Zayn rambled, nervous himself.
I finally stopped heaving and leaned against Niall. We slowly walked back to Harry. With my eyes half closed and my hand on my stomach I stood there awkwardly, waiting for anything to happen.

Suddenly, before I knew it, my face met with the floor.

(Niall's PoV)
Liam just passed out and fell to the floor next to Harry. The other paramedic took care of him and they were taken to hospital together. Louis and I were the only ones allowed to drive with them, poor Zayn. But Paul's taking him with the car.

When we arrived I noticed Liam's bags under his eyes. He looked exhausted, more like last time and I realized that he needed a few weeks off. At least.
He'd been working hard on the album with us and I know he's doing kind things around the city. He told me not long ago that he bought a few pizzas and drinks to give it to the homeless people. He was so kind and always so selfless.
When I looked at Liam I saw an exhausted 23 year old who went through a lot today.

"Harry Styles and Liam Payne?", a nurse called into the waiting room.
We all stood up and gathered around to get the information.

"Well, Mr. Styles is awake right now, asking for you. Mr.Payne isn't awake, but he should wake in the next couple hours. Mr. Payne will be very tired as he was very tired and upset when he passed out. He might even throw up again. Mr. Styles might also feel nauseous sometimes but that's expected. Room 290, private like you asked for it."

We all sighed. This was going to be hard for Liam and Harry's going to get the biggest talk from Louis.

When we stepped in I saw Harry staring at the ceiling. He was probably feeling bad for Liam.
"Hey.", he rasped out when he saw us.
We all just sighed, not knowing what to say. I went to Liam first. There was a curtain between Harry and Liam so they couldn't see each other.
Li looked pale and tired. I held his hand which was cold and mildly shaking.

After 2 hours Liam finally moved.
"Hmmmm", he groaned quietly. He raised his hand to his head.
"Hey. How're you feeling?", I asked.
"Fine. Stomach and head hurt", he replied.
"There's a bucket if you need to, you know"
I felt like he didn't want to talk about the events earlier so I let him sleep.
We were talking with Harry when I heard Liam get up.
I turned around and saw Liam with the bucket in his lap. He was shaking like  leaf and his eyes were half closed. They opened wide though when he released a wave of sick. He coughed and apologized, because Harry felt the need to vomit at that sound and retched in a bucket. "No need to apologize Li, I'm the one who should apologize. I'm sorry for being so dumb and drink way too much again. I don't know if I can make it up to you. I can't thank you enough for saving my life twice."
"It's okay you overdid it once. And I had no problem saving your life. But twice? Twice Harry? I told you I'd die from the stress. I meant that deadly serious. How many times do you think am I gonna be able to save your life? Twice is enough Harry. I'm sorry. But I am so shaken up right no-", Liam interrupted himself as he let out more vomit.
"I trusted you", Liam coughed.
"I know. I'm really sorry", Harry sighed.
"I don't know Harry. You said that last time, Liam's gonna need some time to trust you again. He took it really hard you know? I would too after saving my friend's life twice in a week", I answered for Liam.
Liam fell asleep again pretty quickly and we tried to figure out a reasonable punishment for Harry. We settled for alcohol ban for a month at least and something special for Liam.

Let's just say Liam was not happy with Harry's acting this week and it took him about 3 weeks to trust him again. Though the incident is not forgotten. Everytime Harry drank alcohol, everyone reminded him of the hard journey of Liam regaining his trust. He learned to control himself.

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