Two Gwens

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Years go by, and Spider-Man finds MJ. He moved on. I still felt like I was stuck in the same place.

I couldn't stand being in Tony's house anymore. Pepper insisted I stayed with them. But it was too much, looking at his wife, his daughter. They were, they are great women, but I can't live in his world when he's not in it.

So, I went back to New York to look for a job, trying to be more independent. Start fresh. I needed to get away from my old life. I needed to get very far.

Going Back to New York City was when I found out about Spider-Man's identity being revealed. Literal chaos spread fast. A murderer? No that wasn't Him. It wasn't hard to find his home address, I debated whether meeting him, especially now, was a smart move. I was still looking for jobs and currently staying at a hotel.

In the end, I decided to wait a while. I couldn't face him. I didn't want to be another life bomb just dropping in. He was MJ's now, we are no longer each other's shoulders to lean on. It's different now.

And by now you might have caught on to me referring to my so called ex boyfriend as Spider-Man, well that's because, well, I don't really know. I know I dated him and I know we were fairly close. But I can't seem to remember who he was. Who the mysterious identity of this hero was. I must have known at some point if we were that close, right? But I'm getting ahead of myself. Baby steps.

A few days pass, and then chaos erupts, again. Random people start appearing, these villains start disrupting the city. I'm walking through the shortcut alleyways at night back to my room and run into a very confused lady. You'll never guess who.

Gwen, Gwen Stacy.

At least that's who she says she is. I bring her to my room and offer her water. She is clearly distraught and panicked. She says she doesn't remember getting here. She said the last thing she remembered before waking up in the streets was falling in some clock tower.

"I-I need to find Peter." I heard her whisper to herself. "Do you happen to know where Spider-Man is?" She asked.

"You know Spider-Man?" I asked because no one knew Spider-Man, well actually now everyone knows Spider-Man now. Was she some kind of fangirl looking for Him? Maybe a journalist? She's definitely dressed the part. I wasn't sure if I could trust her.

"Yeah, I guess that's one way to put it. I just, I really need to find him." She had this look of desperation on her face. "Do you know where I could find him? It's really important."

"Look, I don't know what you want from him, if you are trying to get a confession from him or something then it isn't going to work. He didn't kill Mysterio. He isn't a murderer." Then her expression just looked more shocked.

"What are you talking about? Of course, he isn't. Who's Mysterio?" She exclaims defensively.

"Then what do you want with him?"  And I guess at this point I had mentioned his name because she follows up with a question. What did I say? What was his name?

"What, wait, how do you know his name?" She asked now suspicious of me.

"Everyone knows his name now It's everywhere." Was this chic for real? Has she been living under a rock? "Who exactly are you?"

"His Girlfriend." And I can't help but laugh. She looked extremely offended. But can you blame me?

"You're serious? Come on, I of all people know you're lying. I'm his Ex-girlfriend who coincidently is named Gwen." I say and she just starred.

"No, you aren't."

And then we realize there's something wrong. The building shakes. We both rush to the window and see a bright light coming from the Statue of Liberty. And there he is, Spider-Man. Three Spider-Mans?

"What is going on?" She asks but I'm already making my way to the door. She follows me as we exit the building.

I run to the edge looking over the Upper New York Bay. They're far and look small but there are definitely three of them. Gwen follows up behind me and looks as well. Questions race through my head. I see Someone floating. Dr. Strange?

"Are there, Are there three Spider-Mans?" Gwen asks Confused. I can't say anything. My mind was spiraling and slowly dots connect. I look over at Gwen. The Multiverse. I once overheard Tony and Dr.Strange discuss in private while I snuck him out of the House. I knew it was real. So that was Gwen, me, from another universe. And she was Spider-Man's Girlfriend.

"Tony," I yell over the chaos.

"What?" She looks at me confused.

"Iron Man, how is he?" I ask because if she was me, then maybe she was also Tony's. Maybe in another universe, he is alive, he is well, happy, and he's with me, other me.

"Who is that?" She says and my hope fades. I drop the subject because it was too much work to explain. Too many memories.

"Ok Listen," I try explaining as much as I could. She looked at me confused, but I could tell she was trying to go along with it. If she didn't know Iron Man then she must not be from this universe, or planet. I finally end with; "You are me, and I am you, This is a different universe. I Think your Spider-Man and Mine and maybe another one from a different Universe, I think they are fighting whatever villains are over there. And I know it's confusing but trust me." And although the confused look does not leave her face, she simply nods.

Gwen Stark (First POV)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum