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"Do you, live here?" Spider-Man asks as he comes down from the sky. Well more so like from his web, but you get the picture.

"Yeah, sort of," I say standing frantically and dust myself off. Definitely not my brightest moment.

"Don't you have a family? Or something?" His words jab at my heart. I simply shake my head.

"Look, not to be rude but it really isn't any of your business. I can manage and... and I am an independent woman, not a damsel in distress." I say standing straighter to show more confidence in my situation. He can't help but laugh a little. I glare which causes him to stop immediately.

"You can't stay out here," He hesitates for a moment. "There's an apartment building nearby, two blocks down to the left. There are plenty of very nice people who might be able to help. You know unless you prefer the comfort of your box." I don't say anything and he just nods. "See you later then." He swings away and I am left alone.

What else was I supposed to do, I was desperate, I had nothing here. So I went. I walked a few blocks down and then I see him. Peter. He is walking into an apartment building. Was it the one Spider-Man Had talked about? Well even if it wasn't, I did what any logical 19 year old would do. Follow a strange man to their apartment.

It starts raining before I can make it inside so I'm soaked by the time I'm standing in front of his door debating whether or not to knock. I do obviously.

He opens the door and I stand there not knowing what to say. I could tell that he knows something by the look on his face. It might be the fact that I'm wearing the same clothes, I'm soaking, or maybe I smelled? Hopefully not. My vision blurs and without it registering I start crying.

"I have nowhere else to go," I say and he nods. He invites me in and offers me water. We sit on the couch and he asks me to explain. So I do. Or at least I try to.

I explain finding Gwen, and then her falling. What caused her to fall? Why did the floor under us give out? Parts of it I don't even remember. I just remember her looking for someone. Then there was chaos. What caused the chaos?

"I know, I know how crazy this all sounds, even I have a hard time believing or even remembering what happened. But I know I met her, and she talked of a man. Her boyfriend. And then," I try getting the words out. I look at him for reassurance and somehow I could tell he believes me so far. Was he there? Does he know something I don't? "And then she died," I say and I feel a knot form in my throat making it hard to speak. A hint of grief appears on his face. "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. I tried, I tried but I couldn't, I tried so hard." My voice is cracking now and shaky. He nods.

"It's okay, I'm sure you tried." He says softly. Who is this guy? How is he so easily trusting? Why does he believe this? Would he believe it all? Even if I tell him about me? "Gwen Stacy, she was my girlfriend. She passed away a while ago and this" He says holding the bracelet I had given him earlier. "This was with her when she died." He takes a pause. "Thanks for giving it to me."

"My name is Gwen. But, I go by Gwen Stark. I was raised by a man in my universe, a hero. He was part of this group of other heroes called the Avengers, it sounds silly I know they don't exist here." He lets out an exhale as if to laugh to himself. Does he know?

"Sorry, it reminded me of something someone once mentioned." He says.

"Anyways," I continue, "I'm not from here, I am Gwen but from another universe, so I have nothing here. No Family, no home, no history." Saying it out loud sounds like something from a cheesy story. How does something like this even happen? He stays quiet thinking for a moment and then gets up.

"I don't know you or if anything you are saying is exactly the whole truth, but you don't have a place to stay, so you can stay here. That is until you are able to be okay on your own. You Know a job and a place to live." He says. He disappears into his room and shortly after returns with a towel, a pair of PJ's, and a new toothbrush. "I thought you might want to get into dry clothes? As well as freshen up with a shower? Help yourself to anything else you need." He places the items in my hands. He starts taking out blankets he places them on the couch. "My name is Peter, Peter Parker." He pauses. "However, you already know that."

"Why are you doing this?" I asked."You don't even know me."

"I know that you are alone, I know that you need a place to stay for a while. I know that if my Gwen really did send you then you must be a trustworthy person." He says and gives a small smile. I head to the bathroom and shower for the first time in a week. And change into the oversized PJs. Once I'm done I go to the couch to find him laying down scrolling through his phone.

"What are you..,?" I just start without finishing my sentence and point at the couch.

"Oh, you'll be staying in my room. I don't really have a guest room so I'll just crash on the couch for now." He simply says not looking my way and I can't help but scoff. So this is what it's going to be like?

"That's not fair. I am the one crashing at your place it wouldn't be fair making you sleep on the couch." I say.

"You are my guest," He says getting up and stepping towards me. Stopping a foot away I finally take notice of the height difference. He seems skinny and scrawny, so maybe if he does turn out to be a creep I could take him. He placed his hand on my shoulders and turns me around leading me to his room. "It wouldn't be fair of me to make you stay on the couch. Plus I do it all the time so it's fine." He says and closes the door behind me.

This, this is going to be a hell of a ride.

Gwen Stark (First POV)Where stories live. Discover now