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I'm laying in a stranger's bed. Well, a stranger to this specific Gwen.

What if they did it here?

Stop don't think about that. I am just in a stranger's bed, staring up at the ceiling. One with lots of cracks. Yes, this is somewhat of a poor neighborhood, and I may have been raised by billionaire Tony, but before that I was a girl of the streets, so this is an improvement.

I can hear laughter and music, but none of it coming from this apartment. Out the window, I hear people living their own lives. It's still New York.

I have no phone, I wouldn't want to use the television with him sleeping outside the room. So I lay there and let my mind wonder to where the sound of people enjoying their Sunday.

Eventually, I drift to sleep.


It's been a week. Yes, time flies by when you have nothing much to do. While Peter's at school I browse for jobs on his computer. I've applied to many but no callbacks for interviews.

When he's not at school, he works as a Freelance photographer, whatever that is. I don't bother to dig into his personal life, we have this sort of silent agreement to just live in the same space with little to no interaction.

There's also the constant late nights out. Maybe he's seeing someone, which would make sense why he's out at night, it would be a huge turn-off to bring a girl over while living with another. Again, I don't ask. Or at least I didn't, not until he came home with bruises. And a hell of a cut along his leg.

"Holy shit!" I say shocked. I put the laptop aside on the couch and walk over to him. He had a cut on the cheek and kept holding his side. He makes it a few steps into the apartment before collapsing. "What happened?" I say and he wraps both arms right around himself securing the jacket. "You need to go to the hospital or something."

"No, I'm fine just," He doesn't finish. He can't because by the looks of it even talking is too painful.

"Dude, seriously, this is not okay."

"I'm fine!" He yells and I go silent. He was seriously pissed. I stand and head to the bathroom returning with the first aid kit.

"You are not fine, let me help," I say calmly. I couldn't leave him there untreated, and if he wasn't willing to go to a hospital then the least I could do was address his wounds with the little knowledge I had on how to do so.

Tony used to get hurt a lot while test-driving new suites, and he would refuse to get Pepper for help because she would get pissed. So I helped as much as I could.

"No, I can do it myself just, help me get to my room." He says and I don't argue because at least this is getting somewhere. He is letting me help and that's enough for now. So I raise his arm over my shoulders and let him lean on me as we slowly make it to his room. As soon as we get to the door, he closes the door. "I'll be fine just, let me deal with it for now." He says and I stand there.

How did he get so hurt? Where has he been going every night? Is he involved in something dangerous? Is he dangerous? I really should have thought this through better before deciding to stay here.

Gwen Stark (First POV)Where stories live. Discover now