Post-Valentines Day

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I wake up to a massive headache and a sore throat. The sunlight that fills the room makes it hard to open my eyes, so I lay there while slowly adjusting them. Once I'm able to open them and fully look around, I noticed that I'm in the bedroom.

How did I get here?

I look down at my clothes from yesterday and then at the legs in between mine. My legs. Four legs? I can feel my eyes widen in realization. My legs, and Peter's legs. I feel my heart sink at the sound of a soft groan next to me. I turn to see him rubbing his eyes with one hand. I'm laying on the other.

I quickly make my way off him and off the bed altogether. I trip in the process and fall back onto the floor.

"Good morning." He mumbles with a slight laugh and sits up stretching.

What happened? What did I do last night? How did I end up in bed with Peter Parker?

On the bright side, we're both fully clothed and the bed is somewhat made. So it can't be all bad?

I get up on my feet and pat down my hair. I search the room with my eyes for my phone, but it's nowhere in sight.

"Where's my phone?" I ask and avoid looking in his direction.

"Well, you must have dropped it in the hall." He says and I prepare myself to ask the embarrassing question, one which I don't really know I want the answer to.

"What happened, last night I mean?" I say in a slow unsure voice.

"You mean after you ran through the appartment in underwear? Or after puking your guts out in the bathroom? Or maybe you're referring to when I tried putting you to bed but you latched onto my arm begging me to stay." He sits up and turns to me not even trying to hide the smug look on his face. I bring my hands up to my face in embarrassment.

"Oh, god. I'm sorry." I feel disgusting, and all I can think about is how pissed off Tony would be if he saw me now. Or literally any other Avengers. They would hang this over my head and bring it up any chance they'd get.

But they aren't here.

They're not here, and again I'm back at the funeral.

As if I'd never left.

"Don't be, drunk Gwen is cute." He catches me by surprise and I'm back in the apartment. Peter Parker's apartment. I can't help but smile. "You should get ready or you'll be late."


As if to read my mind, he adds, "Ethan."

"Oh, right." Mentally face palming, how could I forget!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2023 ⏰

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