Drunken Mistakes

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We both giggle as I try getting the door open. He holds my hips and starts trailing kisses along my neck and down my back which distracts me more.

I finally get the door open and we stubble in, he wraps his arms around me tighter.

The apartment is dark but it doesn't matter, it doesn't until the lights turn on and we both turn to see Peter standing in the kitchen.


Our giggling stops. He loosens his grip on me but doesn't fully let go. Peter walks towards us.

"Where have you been? Who's this?" He asks. He looks serious, weird. I don't think I've seen Peter Parker this serious since before I decided to come back and stay at the apartment.

"Um, well, remember Steph? The coworker I was staying with for a while? Well, she had a party, I went, duh." I say, trying to keep a straight face.

"You weren't answering your phone all night." He says, sounding worried. He's worried about me? Worried Peter was a turn-on. He made me smiley.  "Are you drunk?"

"What? No! Well, maybe?" I say dragging out that maybe because it was a definite yes. But why would I admit that?

"Seriously, Gwen?" He says and I suddenly feel sober, he sounds annoyed, mad, disappointed?

I turn to the guy whose hands are still hanging around my waist. The guy who I'd been making out with the entire night and whose name I could not remember for the life of me.

"I think you should go," I whisper to him. He rolls his eyes and nods, closing the door on his way out. I turn to Peter and raise my hands in the air. "Come on, Peter, it's not a big deal."

"You are too young to drink, and to get this drunk with a bunch of strangers is very irresponsible. And why don't you answer your phone?" He says.

"Oh please!" I sarcastically exclaim. "You aren't old enough to be my dad, you are only 4 years older than me so stop acting all high and mighty. I'm not some kid, okay? I'm an adult, 19. So what if I drink with my friends? I'm allowed to do so and face whatever consequences on my own, plus it's none of your business who I'm with or what I do." I walk to the couch barely able to keep balance and collapse onto it. He sits next to me on the couch and sighs.

"I don't want to argue. But, It would be nice if you would give me a heads up. You aren't of the age to drink and you can't be so trusting of people. That dude is clearly aware of how drunk you are and is obviously taking advantage of that, of you." He says and the concern in his voice shows.

"News flash, everyone here is a stranger to me. That's why I'm getting to know people at parties, and," I don't have control. The alcohol in my body is in control. I somehow find myself on top of him. On his lap. My face inches from his, arms around his neck. "And, I am not a child. I am a woman." I say.

We stay there, our heavy breathing in sync. I could feel my heartbeat out of my chest. I stare into his eyes. I get lost in them. At this moment, there was no party. There was no other guy. There was no argument. It's just me and him. And the 3 inches of space that separates his lips from mine.

What am I doing? What am I thinking?

I'm not thinking. Because right now it's just me and him alone in an apartment, his apartment. I'm drunk. I'm a sad drunk, I'm a messy drunk, apparently I'm a horny drunk as well. But whether or not I even have feelings for this dude, I don't care at the moment because I'm alone, far from home. I just want someone. And he's here. And he's Peter Parker.


It's Peter Parker, my first real friend here. I don't have the avengers, I don't have Tony, I Don't have my Spider-Man. No people, just Peter. And he's my people now.

I can't ruin things with him, I can't sabotage our friendship for mere desire, he isn't a one night stand, he isn't just some guy. I can't self sabotage this.

I move off him and find myself back on the couch. Drunk. Embarrassed. And tears start to form in my eyes. He gets up and I lay down hiding my face from him. He can't see me right now, I don't want him to see me. I'm pathetic.

I feel a blanket being laid over me.

"Good night"

The alcohol gets the best of me and I drift to sleep.

Gwen Stark (First POV)Where stories live. Discover now