Our first fight (Flashback)

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"You really are every bit your father's daughter.," He says with such poison in his voice. How dare he.

"Don't, don't do that, he's as important to you as he is to me. I was just trying to help."

"I don't need your help, okay? I don't need you tracking me down, I don't need you telling on me to your dad. I don't need you treating me like some kid. I, I don't need you!" He lashes out. I feel his words cut deep through my skin. I feel the tears in my eyes start rolling down my face. This was our first fight, our first real fight. And of course it had to be infront of the Avengers, all except Tony who had been out on a mission.

"Kid, don't," Steve says.

"She did the right thing, you couldn't take this guy on all by yourself," Bruce adds.

"I'm sick of you guys thinking I'm incapable of fighting on my own," He says with his hands to his head in frustration.

"You are young, we worry," Natasha says.

"I think it would be better if you just went home, cool off for a while. You're mad and anger isn't going to get you anywhere," Clint stands and starts heading to the door. "And seeming as the danger is over and everyone is fine, I'll be heading back to my family." He leaves and so does Natasha. Spider-Man takes one last look at me before leaving.

"When does Tony and Pepper get back?" Bruce asks.

"Two more days," I say.

"Will you be okay on your own? Do you need one of us to stay?" He continues concerned. I feel someone side hug me. I see Wanda smiling at me.

"I and Vision will stay for a while, don't worry," She says and Bruce nods and everyone starts leaving.

Vision and Wanda walk me to my room, and for some reason, it is hard for me to hold it in any longer. I start uncontrollably crying. I sit on the bed and both Vision and Wanda are at my side comforting me.

They are my favorite, like having an older sister with a cool boyfriend. Silly, I know, but maybe I bring her comfort too. She's cried over Pietro, I've walked in on her sometimes, on accident. And I can't imagine how it must feel to lose someone that important. To lose family. At least she's got me and Vision. Especially Vision whose helped her smile again.

They would make great parents.

Gwen Stark (First POV)Where stories live. Discover now