Gwen's Bracelet

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At some point, everything stopped. The crashing water. The explosions. The chaos. It wasn't until then that I realized I had been holding something right to my chest. I open my hand and it's a bracelet. Not my bracelet. Gwen's bracelet.

I wipe my eyes and sit up. The sky was ripping open, people were floating in the sky. I look back down at the bracelet and for some unknown reason, even to me, I put it on.

I stand and look towards the Statue of Liberty. Two Spider-Mans standing on the fallen shield. They glow and the next second, they're gone. I look down at Gwen's bracelet. It started glowing as well.

I thought about taking it off because I didn't know what would happen if I wore it as it disappeared. But Iron Man was dead. Gwen Stacy had died. And frankly, I didn't care if I were next. So I kept it on. And let it happen.

I woke up in an alleyway. Still in New York City. But, not my New York. I wander through the city, it's morning and I find myself on a college campus. I'm 19, I would be starting college. But I'm not where I belong. So I look at the student's socialize, make their way to class.

And then I hear it.


A guy runs past me making his way to another.

That name. Why did it sound almost familiar? I don't know a Peter.

I watch them both walk into the college and I stand there not sure of what to do next. It's my childhood all over again. I am alone, homeless, jobless. And this time, there is no Tony Stark.

I stay in that same spot until I see a young man from earlier again. The one whose friend called for. I make my way to him and hope for the best. Peter, that name is unknown yet so familiar. Could it be someone related or close to Gwen Stacy? Who was the He she was talking about? Take care of him for me.

"Excuse me, are you Peter?" I asked. He had turned around and looked at me in confusion after saying yeah. He's tall, thin, messy brown hair, and brown doe eyes. He's holding a skateboard in one hand, a green jacket over a navy blue hoodie and jeans. He looks like a teenager? Maybe he's around my age? Maybe I should have asked Gwen for her age. Do we share the same time line? "I think this is yours?" I take off the bracelet and hold it out. He looks at it and his face becomes serious.

"Who gave that to you?" He says almost defensive.

"Gwen, Gwen Stacy," I say almost unsure now.

"Is this some kind of joke?" And I am lost for words. How was I supposed to respond to that? I mean obviously with the truth but the tone in his voice sounded seriously pissed.

"Look, I don't want any trouble, okay, just, just take it," I say and take his hand placing the bracelet in his palm. I turn and walk away fast.

So maybe he is a douche, maybe Gwen Stacy didn't know a Peter. Maybe I got the dude wrong? Well, it wasn't my problem anymore.

So now, you may be wondering how I survived the next week on my own. And I guess I can thank my lack of a normal childhood for it. Because otherwise, I wouldn't have made it long enough to get a hold of a library computer. Only to find out there are no Avengers in this universe, no Iron Man. Brightside was that there was a Spider-Man, however, he also kept his identity secret in this universe. So I couldn't exactly go searching for him.

So a week. Alone, in NYC. Fun. Until one night of course, when the one and only Spider-Man, found me in an alleyway, sleeping, in a box. Pathetic I know.

Gwen Stark (First POV)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ