Just Friends

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We are both sitting on the bathroom floor leaning against the same wall. Not saying a word or looking at each other.

"So how are things going with Kate," I say, breaking the silence after a few minutes.

"Fine, she's ... she's great," He says, but that great lingers on a little too long.

"But?" I say. He turns to look at me and I look at him.

I guess poets don't lie when they say a person can say a million words through their eyes; But she's not Gwen. But she's not who I want. But I rarely looked at her.


He was looking at me.

I break eyecontact and look down at my hands which were formed into fists.

"I'm not her, Peter. I'm not Gwen Stacy." I say and I can tell he knows what I'm implying. "I'm sorry about the other night."

"It wasn't your fault, you were drunk." He says.

"But I did it," I say looking back at him and in his face, I see many emotions at once, denial, regret, guilt, maybe even a little joy? "I'm not Gwen, not your Gwen. So if you think there might be something between us, forget It. I don't want it to be for the wrong reasons. I don't want to be a replacement for her, I don't want to be a rebound, I am my own person. I am Gwen Stark and I am not her."

How bold of me to assume that this would go any further, that he would return the feelings. That the Peter Parker would have wanted things to advance that night. That he would want me.

But yet, part of me hopes.

"Okay," He says almost as if to whisper, and it gives me nothing, no closure, no clue on what he means by that. "You aren't her. You aren't a kid." He gives a small grin, and I don't bother holding back an embarrassed smile.

"You should get back to Kate," I say softly, looking back down at my hands, they were no longer in fists, and I could see the creases of my fingernails.

"Yeah, I don't think things between me and her will work out." He says and I raise an eyebrow at his statement. I look back up at him and see it. Peter Parker's infamous looks, one I hope he only shares with me. One to keep to myself. It made me anxious, yet excited. I could never tell what goes on through his mind when he gives me that look.

Peter Parker has me wrapped around his finger. It is infuriating.

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