Stinging memories

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I slipped the folded picture out of the frame and into my pocket, taking one last look at a younger, happier Shawn and the girl who was identical to him. I wiped yesterdays mascara off my face and set out to find Shawn.

His mother had asked if him and I would run down to the store and get a few things for dinner, we both obliged. When I found him he was sitting content on his bed looking up at the ceiling fan.

"Are you ready?" I poked my head into the room and waited for his response. "Ready as i'll ever be." He stood up and walked in front of me towards the front door.


I pushed my foot hard against the pavement, the faces of the people around me frown in disapproval but Shawn just laughs. I slow down the cart when we reach the car and collapse into the handle, laughing.

"Oh my god, i have'nt done that since I was eight!' I hop off the Grocery cart and start loading the bags into the back of Shawn's pickup. "what are you talking about you are eight." Shawn counters and sends me a smirk. I laugh but roll my eyes.

I ignore Shawn's remark and open the door to the passenger side, hopping in and throwing my feet on the dash. I admire my chipped blue toenails and turn the dials on the radio. Shawn shakes his head and smiles at me. I turn my shoulder and tap my fingers against my thigh, while shawn starts his truck and backs out.

The three of us sit at the tiny table cramped between the kitchen and living area, looking down at plates full of food and smiling happily.

"I'm so glad you both are here, and shawn I'm just so happy you brought Meredith along." Shawn's mother shovels down the meal she made and I blush at her complement.

"Yeah well I wasn't gonna leave her in London." Shawn seems annoyed but I brush it off replacing the icy awkwardness with conversation.

When everyone's finish and the dishes are put away I excuse myself and make for the bathroom. I loved Shawn's mother but at times I just wanted to be alone and now was one of those moments. I run my fingers through my hair and stare at myself in the mirror, taking account for every flaw.

My fingers trace over the thick lines on my wrists and although there all healed they still sting, or more so the memory stings. Each of them contained thousands of horrible thoughts. Each was a reminder of the moment and I think to myself what was the purpose of putting those lines if they were to help me forget but all they do is help me remember?

This kind of sucks. It's just a filler chapter the next one will be a whole lot better!¡!¡ I'm excited to write the next one bc its gonna be good.

Cara is my spirit animal

Thanks for reading ily guys.
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