Its back!

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Mirabel pov:

I ran out of the house looking for Abuela, but I couldn't find her. I then ran into Camilo. "Camilo! Where is Abuela!?" I yelled in a rush. "Shes at.... Casita." He said frowning a little. I ran off toward where Casita would stand if it were still, well, standing.

I saw Abuela sitting there so I sat next to her, hugging her. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean any of it. Where all here because of you, we have the miracle because of you." I looked at her and smiled. She started crying, and then tío Bruno came over riding on a horse "it's not her fault! J gave her the vision" he said falling off the horse, and after doing so Abuela hugged him. We decided to gather the family and start to rebuild our house, and then the townspeople came to help us build it back up.

Y/n pov:

We all walked toward where the ruins of Casita was, holding our shovels, hammers, nails, and a lot of other tools.

They were all smiling, after all the madrigals helped them with, it's no surprise they want to help them for once. I just felt like after all my friends have been through, they deserved all the help they needed.

After carrying all the tools up to where the Casita was, we planned a new layout. We all started to help put together the new house, and we're put into groups. I was in a group with Mirabel, Luisa, Isabela, and Camilo. I was about to start working when Camilo came up behind me and hugged me. "Camilo! I have to start working" I said before removing his hands from around my body. "But mi amor come on, I'm just trying to hug you!" his said in a whimper like voice, "and I'm trying to help you, by helping to build your house." I said turning around and getting to work. He hugged me one more time and then ran off to see what Isabela was doing, since her, Luisa, and Mirabel were off doing one part of he job while I started the other.

-time skip-

When the house was finally done, the only thing that wasn't on was a doorknob. Mirabel was admiring the new house structure when Antonio gave her a doorknob they made for her. She walked up to the door and put it on. The whole house was surrounded by a nice yellow. The whole family was outlined on the door, and then Casita started talking to Mirabel .

The magic is back!

I looked over at Mirabel who was getting everyone to get inside to admire the house. The all squished together and took a picture, well a...... rat, took the picture. Everyone was dancing and celebrating the magic being back. "Mi amor" Camilo came and put his arm on my shoulder. "May I have this dance?" He turned down he was in front of me bowing with his hand out for me to take. "Of course" I grabbed his hand and he led me to the middle of all the dancing people.

Camilo and I danced for a while. I looked at the sky and noticed it was getting dark. "It's getting pretty late." I looked back to Camilo, and smiled "Sleepover?" He asked grinning at me "how could I say no" I walked over to where my tío was standing with his friends. "Can I stay the night over here?" I asked him, he looked at me and smiled "of course, just don't get into trouble he laughed. I walked back over to Camilo and told him that I could stay.

We walked up the stairs and to his room to lay down since we were both getting tired. I noticed that the Spare bed was still in there from the last time I stayed, so I laid down on it facing Camilos bed. Camilo looked back at me and laughed "eres tan adorable" he said before winking and laying on his back.

I turned away from him and looked in the opposite direction. He laughed more, showing that he knew I was flustered. He stood up and walked towards where I was and sat down at the edge of the bed. He lifted my chin to make sure I was looking at him "Goodnight mi amor" he commented before kissing my forehead and walking back to his bed to lay down.

"What the fuck Camilo" I sat up and looked at him. He laughed and looked away towards the wall. I laid back down on my bed but couldn't fall asleep. After around a half hour of just sitting there, Camilo woke back up and looked at me. "Cant sleep?" He asked, acting as if he didn't know why. "Nope." I said simply. I looked at him and realized that he had a huge grin on his face. "You can come lay over here if you want, it's way more comfortable." He moved over a little. I got up and walked over there and laid down.

He hugged me and then when he let go, he turned to face the other way. I looked at the ceiling as my eyes slowly closed.

-time skip-

I woke up after hearing a yawn next to me, I turned my head to see Camilo sitting up in the bed. "Jeez" I sat up and looked at Camilo. "I forgot I stayed here. You scared me" I said laughing. He looked at me, then smiled and got up. "Breakfast" he walked toward the door. "You coming or not?" He looked back at me. I dragged my legs to the side of the bed and got off, walking towards the door. "Let's go" I yawned.

When we got down to the table, most of them were already sat down, but some weren't, so I sat in one of the empty seats next to Mirabel , and Camilo sat next to me.

-time skip-

After breakfast, me and Camilo decided to split up, I headed towards my house, and he headed toward the Casita to help Dolores with something.

That's the end of this chapter, hope you liked it :)

Total words: 1037

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