help me

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Canilos pov:

Dolores came running up to me,

probably something about towns folks.

She looked at me worried and then said "go find Y/n" before trying to run off. "What do you mean 'go find him'" I chased after her. "I heard some commotion this morning, in the woods. On the other side of town, near the flower patch." She rushed off before I could follow her. I decided to that I was going to go to Y/ns house to see what this was all about.

Once I made it to Y/ns house, no one opened the door for a while, until I knocked on the door again. His tío opened the door, "Camilo? What's up" he said smiling towards me. "Is Y/n here?" I asked simply. "Uh no I thought he was with you or Mirabel." He said, a glint of nervousness in his face. I ran towards where the flower patch was. Dolores was talking about one is the ones Isabela grew yesterday I was assuming.

Y/n's pov:

He caught up to me. I assumed he was going to just bring me back to the cabin, but I was wrong. He picked me up and tied my hands behind my back with rope and duct tape. He let me go, but before bringing me back to the cabin he picked up his had and smacked me as hard as he could. "I told you not to leave" he said angrily. I just rolled my eyes as he put more tape on my face and dragged me back to the cabin. He threw me back in, and then slammed the door. I heard a hammering sound of what I assumed was him boarding the door up.

Oh my god.

Camilos pov:

I went to every flower patch I could think of in the woods, but I didn't see anyone. I sulked as I walked home. "Dolores" I said before walking into her room. She jumped a little, showing that I startled her. "He wasn't there." I said annoyed. "He's probably with a friend or something than." She whispered, looking down at the ground. "But you said that something happened in the woods with Y/n this morning." I said, starting to get angry. "I know something happened. I don't know why you didn't find anything" she said simply. I turned and left the room.

It was probably just some animals or something.

I walked to my room and sat on my bed.

Something doesn't feel right. Dolores hearing things, but me not finding anything. Did something really bad happen, or was it nothing at all?

I stressed myself out by trying to figure out if it was something bad or not. After a while I fell asleep on my bed.

Dolores woke me up after she heard something again. "This time, I know I'm right." She then added "there are two people in the woods on the other side of town, by that all cabin we used to play at." I looked at her for a moment to see if she was lying. I grabbed her arm and pulled her towards the front door. "Your coming with me" I said as I continued to pull her out, towards the town.

Y/n's pov:

I tried to stand up but it didn't go as I expected it to. I got myself up, but then fell right on my face. I hadn't been standing for an hour or two so my legs were numb and I couldn't feel them.

Of course. A nosebleed. Just what I needed right now.

I felt as a warm blood dripped down my face. I looked around the room to see if there was anything to help me stand. After a quick glanced u realized that there was nothing but a blanket. No food. Just a blanket.

Camilos pov:

Me and Dolores walked toward the cabin when she stopped. She turned around and saw Abuela looking for her, so she left me to go find it myself. After a couple minutes longer of walking, I noticed two people in a truck driving on the path road, away from the cabin. I walked a little faster, knowing that the other person probably left. I made it to the cabin and the doors were boarded up. I noticed a hammer out of the corner of my eye and went to grab it. After a minute I got the boards off and opened the door "Y/n?! Mi amor, are you okay?" I asked hugging him.

I heard the door open, but I continued to look at the ground, assuming it was either my papá or mamá. "Y/n?! Mi amor, are you okay?" I heard Camilo say, coming over to me and slowly taking the tape off me face. "Yeah, I'm okay" he looked up and smiled "just a little bloody nose, but other than that, I'm fine" I laughed. "Mi amor, why are you laughing?" He sat next to me. "You just got kidnapped," he looked towards me sadly. "You're lucky Dolores can hear everything." He laughed.

"Come on, let's go back" he untied my hands and stood up. He lent me a hand to help me stand. When I got up I stood where I was for a moment, letting the feeling come back to my legs. As we started walking towards the Casita, we didn't talk.

We finally made it back to the Casita and headed towards Camilos room. "Y/n! Your okay!" Dolores shrieked from behind us. I ran up to her and hugged her "yeah because of you" I smiled and turned back around, going into Camilos room and sitting on the bed. Camilo walked past me and went to a wardrobe. He grabbed a t-shirt and some pants. "Here," he said handing them to me "your close are dirty" he added. I looked down at my clothes and then back up. I went to the bathroom to change and then back to Camilos room. I sighed, laying down on the bed and closing my eyes.

I woke up with a jump. I looked around and realize my surroundings. "Mi vida? Are you okay?" I hear Camilo say as he wakes up. "Uh yeah. I forgot I was here." I say, whispering the last part. He looks at me and side hugs me. "You want to go to town with me today?" He smiled towards me. "Yeah, sure" I looked bad towards him and got up.

We got up and ate breakfast. It was honestly kinda awkward since everyone just stared at me the entire time. I didn't know people could care so much. As we walked down the path to town we saw a bunch of teenagers running towards us.

"Camilo! Come hang with us!" They started screaming while grabbing one of his hands. Before they could just him down the path, he grabbed into mine, pulling me with him. When we finally made it to the play area, the kids let go of Camilo, but he didn't let go of me. He held my hand the entire time we were with the teenagers.

I have no ideas on what to write now :,(

Total words: 1034

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