letter from them

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Y/n's pov:

I opened the gift bag and pulled out a little box. I opened the box to see a sliver ring. Camilo looked at me with his big smile. "Camilo. You didn't have to" I took the necklace out of the box.

"I did have to" he grabbed the ring out of my hand. "Give me your hand" he put his hand out. I put my hand on his as he said. Camilo grabbed the ring and looked at me. "Which finger" he asked. I looked down at my hand "Middle finger or ring finger" I said simply. He looked back down and slipped the ring onto my ring finger on my right hand.

I took my hand back and admired the ring. I sat on my knees and lunged forward toward Camilo to hug him. After we hugged for a minute we decided that we should split up since his family is probably looking for him. He packed up all the stuff and walked off toward the Casita, "Later mi amor" he waved before he disappeared.

I didn't have anything else planned for the day so I decided to head back home. When I got there my tío wasn't there so I assumed that he had gone to work.

I went upstairs and went into my room to read my book, since I didn't get to finish it last time. I started reading when the sun was going down and lost track of time. By the time I finished the book it was pitch black outside and most of the house lights were off. I laid down on my bed and looked at the ceiling till I fell asleep.

-time skip-

I woke up while the sun was still rising so I decided to make breakfast for me and my tío. I got out a pan, eggs, butter, and toast. I put the pan in the stove and turned it on low heat. Once the pan was heated up a little, I put a some butter in it. I got out a bowl and cracked 4 eggs into the bowl, making sure to break the yolks. Then I poured the eggs into the pan and let them cook for a minute. Then I mixed them a couple times until they were fully scrambled and done. I put some toast in a toaster and waited for that to be done while I plaited the eggs. When the toast finished I buttered them and put one on each plate.

"Tío Marco!" I yelled up the stairs. A couple minutes later he came walking down the stairs. "I made breakfast" I smiled to him. He sat down at one of the plates and started eating. "Gracias"

After a while we finished eating with little conversation. I decide to go back up to my room since I didn't have a plan for the day. I changed into some comfortable clothes and then sat down on my bed. I decided to look at my baking recipes I had in a box.

I figured since I didn't have anything to do I could just bake, so I found a recipe for chocolate chip cookie and took it out of the box. I scanned over the recipe and decided to write down the ingredients I needed to buy.

I left the house to go get some flour, sugar, some more eggs since we were running out, baking soda, salt, chocolate chips, butter, and brown sugar.

I went to a couple different shops, but didn't have to go to to many because most stores had multiple of the ingredients I needed. Once I got all the ingredients I went back home and ate them all out on the counter, preheating the oven grabbing two bowls to use.

I mixed the flour, baking soda, and salt into the smaller bowl. I then mixed my eggs, sugar, brown sugar, and butter together in the other bowl. Once that was fully mixed I slowly added the dry ingredients into my wet, along with my chocolate chips.

When I finally had mixed it all together I put the dough on a cookie sheet and put them in the oven.

While I was waiting for the cookies to me done I heard a knock at the door. I opened the door to see a letter in the mailbox. I grabbed it out and it was addressed to me. When I was about to open it, the timer for my cookies beeped. I got my cookies out made sure to get them off the tray right away. Once I put them all in a cooling rack and turned off the oven, I went back and grabbed the letter.

I recognized the handwriting on the envelope when I took a closer look.

You've got to be kidding me.

I rolled my eyes as I opened the envelope and pulled out a letter. It read :

Dear Y/n,
I am glad to tell you that I'll be coming by to visit and see how your doing with your tío. I am so excited to see you so we can talk about our last little chat, if that's what you can call it. I hope you will welcome me when I arrive. I will probably see you later today, as this letter will make it there late.

Your Mamá

Oh my god. What the hell is going on? Why is she coming here?

I feel my eyes start to water as I put the letter in my pocket. My tío comes downstairs after a while, noticing I was upset. "What's wrong Y/n? What happened?" He came and hugged me. "My mamá is visiting later today." I said stiffly. He looked at me with an apologetic look. I handed him the letter and dat down at the dining room table. "I should go get the couch ready" he said before leaving the room. I laid my head down on the table and slowly fell asleep, thinking of what my mom will say when she gets here.

Do you like my little cliff hanger? Do you Like what I did there? Dw the next chapter will be out soon.

Total words: 1037

Camilo x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now