Picnic time

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Dolores pov:

Are they just not gonna get together? They both like each other! It's obvious. They both are so painfully oblivious.

I got Camilo to help my in my room after breakfast, getting him to split up from Y/n. "Camilo! You showed" I said with a mischievous grin. "Yeah..? Why wouldn't I?" I shrugged and made him sit down on the bed so I was standing in front of him. "Camilo. It's time you tell him how you feel." Camilo stood up and tried to leave. "I am not telling him. Not yet." He said running out of the room so I couldn't stop him.

Great. Now Camilo won't tell him.

Y/n's pov:

I walked home admiring the nice day it was outside. I enjoyed taking walks in the morning Becasue it's always so peaceful and calm, so this was definitely the best thing to do before the town got chaotic.

After a while of just walking around the town instead of heading straight home, I finally decided to go back to the house.

When I finally made it home, none of the lights were on, which was weird because tío Marco always wakes up before me. I walk into the house, expecting for it to be empty.

I opened the door and turned the light on. I put my jacket I was wearing on the coat rack next to me and continued into the house.

"SURPRISE!" I heard a bunch of people yell. It was tío Marco throwing a- surprise party?

"Uh, thanks?" I didn't understand why, and so early into the day. "Wait. ITS MY BIRTHDAY?!" I half screamed. Tío Marco just laughed at me.

He grabbed a cake that's was sitting on the table behind him. "feliz cumpleaños Y / n" someone beside my tío said.

Tío Marco lit the candles and they all started singing happy birthday. Once they were finished I blew out the candles and thanked all of them for coming.

Camilos pov:

I ran out of Dolores's room and down the stairs. I wasn't paying attention and bumped into a rushing Mirabel. "What are you in such a hurry for" I asked her, noticing all the things she was carrying. "It's Y/n's birthday today!" She smiled.

"Oh okay." I walked away and headed toward the door.

I ran down to the town and looked through all the shops to find a good gift for Y/n. I saw a little basket with some fruit in it, so I bought it and replaced some of the fruit with sandwiches I bought.

I saw a nice ring at a jewelry store and I bought it for Y/n. I put the ring box inside a little bag with some tissue paper coming out of the top. I went back to the casita and ran to my room. I set the stuff on my bed and then left my room.

I went to Mirabels room to ask her a question. "Do you have an extra blanket I could use?" She looked at me and then pointed to a blanket in the corner of the room. "Thanks" I said halfway out the door. I ran back into my room to grab the basket and bag. I rushed down the stairs and out of the Casita. I slowed down after my destination came into eyesight.

Y/ns pov:

After a while I finally got to go up to my room and change into some nicer clothes, since it's my birthday I want to look nice.

After I changed I walked back downstairs and realized that everyone had left, gladly so now I can leave the house.

I told ny tío that I was leaving and we said our goodbyes. I headed out of the house and went to the water fountain that was in the town. I sat on the ledge, admiring the beautiful water.

I sat there for an while, just admiring the town. Until my town watching was interrupted by Camilo "Mi amor! There you are" he said with a big grin on his face. "camilo mi amado" I said turning to him. I could see his face slowly get tinted red. "Would you like to hang out?" He asks me, looking back toward the way he came. "I don't see why not." He stood up and started walking off so I followed him.

He rushed up toward a grass hill. Once I made it to the top of the hill I saw what Camilo was so excited about.

There was a blanket layer out on the grass with a basket and a gift bag on top. "Happy birthday!" Camilo said before sitting down. I sat in front of him and smiled. "Thank you" I laughed a little. No one has ever actually put it in the effort to make my birthday nice, except for tío Marco.

Camilo opened the picnic basket and handed me a sandwich. We started eating as he told jokes and stories, trying to make me laugh. And it worked. He told me a story about when his head turned into a baby's, but his body was a grown man's, which was pretty funny.

After we ate and were full, Camilo smirked at me and handed me a gift bad. I looked from him to the gift before unwrapping it gently.

I was gonna stop it at the end of canilos first pov but nooo it wasn't enough words for that, and I still don't have in the 100's because I wanted a cliff hanger. Also is this a cliff hanger??????????? Maybe. Have fun trying to figure out what's gonna happen next chapter.

I was also gonna put a picture for y/ns outfit but yknow, you guys can be in whatever you want.

Total words: 969

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