Chapter One: Announcement

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Chapter One


There were only noises inside the classroom coming from these classmates of mine. They are clearly having so much fun without the presence of our professor and class president to hush them. Of Course, those classmates are also my friends who were talking, shouting as if they were meters apart from one another when they were seated side by side...

"Keep it down!" Jungwon asked our other classmates in a calm voice enough for everyone to hear. The buzzing stopped for a couple of minutes. Still, it didn't last long when everyone started their chitchats again.

I rolled my eyes internally, forced to withstand their loud noises when they didn't listen to him.

"Let's go to the arcade later after class!" Won started again clearly annoyed as his eyebrows furrowed making his cat eyes look sharp. He flipped his notes and book close. He seemed to give up studying.

We were both trying to study till we lost the will because of buzzing sounds around us, not only coming from some bees but mouths surrounding us.

I sighed as I leaned at the backrest of my chair. My eyes remained on my notes as I still tries doing my homework. "Why do you want to go to an arcade instead of the library when we couldn't even finish this one," I asked him about this math problem that was given to us as an assignment.

Numbers hates both of us, reason, no matter how hard we try to understand them it just doesn't work. Solving them in this ambiance makes it two times more complicated. How could we possibly compute in our mind when it's so loud like this.

"We finished our assignment in English, though. Let's reward ourselves," he said convincing not only me but himself too that he deserves to play at the arcade place.

I rolled my eyes at him even though there was a subtle smile on my lips. Sometimes he's unbelievable. "You're such a fan of 'enjoy now and suffer later' saying. We need to submit this tomorrow," I mocked as I reminded him at the same time. "Let's finish this both unless you don't want to play later," I said firmly, didn't swerve one bit to his idea of rewarding. How could I when our rank isn't even stable now?

He rolled his eyes at me without trying to hide it and made a face before opening his math book again. He roamed his eyes around then said, "Can you guys keep it down!" in a shout. Obviously, losing his temper when he couldn't stand it anymore made the whole room quiet as cold air took over the place.

He was quite scary when he was mad and losses his shits. Right, He was the vice president who's good at everything except math. The one who takes over when both people I mentioned a while ago don't exist.

I couldn't help but let out a grin when I could do my assignment quietly and peacefully, even though not entirely, as their still a subtle buzz around. I fixed my glasses and wrote my answer in my note.

"Ms. Eui is here!" After seeing them in the corridor, Kyu announced. He was seated beside the window near the door so that the only place he could see them from was his seat.

Everyone went back to their seat rashly, behaving well and opening some books to say they were studying and a good student.

"These pretentious kids." I couldn't help but say it at the back of my mind.

I have nothing against them as I'm one of them at times, but I couldn't help but be amazed how they switch fast like lightning every time.

Ms. Eui arrived. She was with our class president. They both had smiles on their faces as if they had good news to say. It was something I doubted as our class president had a pile of papers in her hand. I just wish not a quiz and test for us to take or anything like that.

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