Chapter Fifteen: Story Of My First Love

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Chapter Fifteen

Story Of My First Love

Mom continued to stare at me as I had my breakfast. Worries and concern in her eyes were evident a second later, "Did something happen?" She asked me softly.

I glance at mom, inquiring with my eyes what does she means, "You've been looking sad these past few days. You can tell mom, sweetie." She told me, comforting me.

I smiled at her and sat up appropriately acting fine, "I finished the book I was reading. I felt attached, and It was unfortunate. I shouldn't had read it." I told her with a small smile.

Mom didn't say anything as she continued to stare at me, nodding until "What was the ending?" She asked me.

I stare at her because of that. I know she already sensed something really happened; she was never dense when it comes to us. Her more concerned expression confirmed it.

"She was liked, but not enough, She didn't have her happy ending." I simply replied and smiled bitterly. I was tired of crying, my own tears gave up on me, and I was thankful that happened. It became easier to pretend.

"He was blind then... The man in that story." She said Mom left the table.

She hugged me when I finished breakfast and bid goodbye for school. She kissed my forehead and didn't forget to remind me she loved me and how I was her treasure; my sister and I were everything to her.

I rode my usual bus and didn't look around for a seat as it was full. When I reached the school, I could still feel their eyes on me like the past days, each day, it got less and less, and I couldn't wait for the time they won't look at me like that, and no one would.

I saw Jungwon waiting for me in the first-floor corridor. I smiled at him as I watched him run to me.

"I told you, you don't need to wait for me!" I told him, but he just rolled his eyes, "As if! I went to the cafeteria." He resorted to showing his banana milk and handed me the mint chocolate one.

We both struck it with a straw so we could drink it. He even said, "Cheers," Bumping our drink before sipping.

My best friend didn't say anything, but I always knew he was worried and looked out for me. He was partly blaming himself for what happened, thinking he should had shut his mouth instead of trying to convince me to try.

Little did he know I was thankful he did, this long one-sided love finally approaching an end. I mean, maybe I'm still stuck from that phase if he didn't. Unlike now that I was working on moving forward.

There was no what if like he said because I tried, and I'll be closing it without regrets. It wasn't an open-ended story that would keep me guessing but a story with its own ending.

We were now in the classroom. I sat quietly and opened some book to read when I felt Won's eyes on me, I glanced at him, and he immediately averted his eyes.

He was doing his best not to ask me, but I could tell so clearly he was worried and won't be able to rest his mind if he didn't.

"I'm perfectly fine, Won," I told him and tapped his shoulder just then. He looked at me and sighed, "Are you really fine?" he asked, making it sure, even he knew the honest answer. "Nevermind," he added, then forced a laugh.

"I'm doing well than the past few days." I assured him, "You don't have to worry. You know me right?" I asked him,

This time his eyes slowly turned close to tears as he stared at me and nodded, "I ran to you whenever I couldn't take it anymore like you does to me," I reminded him,

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