2. A Cruel Reality

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Pushing the door hanging aside, Inutaisho ushered the woman inside where Inuyasha and his friends sat around Kaede's cooking pit waiting for the stew to finish. "I have found a traveler you might find of interest."

At the sound of his voice, the group's conversation died off. They all stared at the demon lord and the newly arrived stranger.

A beat of awkward silence passed before Inuyasha snorted, wiggling further back against the wall in a feeble attempt to put distance between himself and Inutaisho. "Who the hell is this, old man?" He demanded hostilely.

Inutaisho rested his hands on Layla's shoulders, her exposed skin warm and soft beneath his palms. "Her name is Layla. She came through the well."

Everyone jolted at his pronouncement.

"Dr. Callahan came through the well? How is that possible?" Kagome asked in pure astonishment. She rose half-way on her knees to gawk at the professor who looked more out of place than her with European features and dark red hair.

"I thought jewel shards were needed to pass through the well." Sango looked to Miroku for answers. Kilala mewed from her lap, twin tails swishing questioningly.

Of all of them the monk seemed to possess the most knowledge concerning the lore of the Shikon Jewel. However even his knowledge had limits, foreigners being one of them.

The monk sighed wearily, pinching the bridge of his nose. "That has been the prevailing theory. Perhaps, this woman has a shard of the jewel?"

Kagome looked hard at Layla for a moment then shook her head. "No, she doesn't."

Confused, Layla glanced back at Inutaisho, craning her neck to look up at him. "This is the most bizarre dream I've ever had."

Her powers of denial truly were astounding. Inutaisho thought. The truth stood before her and yet she continued to believe she dwelled within a dream. He shifted his grip on her shoulders pressing his palms into her shoulder blades to urge her closer to the group.

She tossed him a warning glare for touching her and moved out of reach inadvertently putting herself in the monk's path.

Always the opportunistic lech, Miroku unfolded his long legs and walked over to Layla. He was several inches shorter than her, but the height difference did not deter him from flashing a charming grin. "Women of the future possess such beauty. Do not fear. We will solve this dilemma."

"You will?" Layla asked warily. He was standing awfully close to her and smelled strongly of incense.

The monk clasped her hands in his, stroking her knuckles lightly. "But first, will you consider bearing my child?"

Stunned into silence, Layla gaped at him. Bear his child?

Propositioned by a member of a religious order. This is a first for her. Her subconscious had an interesting way of telling her to get some.

Layla contemplated the cramped quarters of the hut filled with bizarre looking people, marveling at her ingenuity. A teenage boy with dog ears in a red kimono, a small cat with red eyes.

Not with this audience though. Voyeurism had never been her thing.

The heat from the fire pressed against her skin, such a visceral sensation out of place in a dream. A small lump of dread lodged in Layla's throat, then that feeling resurfaced again that something was off.

Still clutching her hands, the monk waited expectantly for her response.

"Uh, I'm not the motherly type." Layla said awkwardly, withdrawing from his hold.

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