28. The Fates Weave as the Fates Will

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A company of faeries thundered into the courtyard on white horses. Layla stood on the front steps of the manor beside Kieran wondering what this latest development was about. Until, among the glittering assemblage she spotted a familiar, beloved face.

"Grams!" She blurted out, earning a glare from her father.

Draco, his dragon lounged in a pool of sunlight in front of the fountain. Its serpentine head lifted off its front paw and studied the new arrivals lazily.

Dressed in a peasant skirt and caftan blouse, Grams dismounted from her horse, spry for a woman in her mid-seventies. She smoothed out her skirt and straightened her thin shoulders.

With a cold glint in her blue eyes, Grams marched up to Kieran and slapped him across the face. The loud crack echoed in the deafening silence. All the faeries from servants to nobles gaped at the old mortal who dared strike a member of the fey.

Dazed, Kieran raised his hand slowly to touch his red cheek. "You hit me!" He snapped, outraged.

Grams sniffed. "It's no less than what you deserve, wretched creature!" Then she pushed him aside and enveloped Layla in a vanilla scented hug like she always had since she was a child. "My little Layla-Bug. I missed you."

Buoyant, Layla stooped to return the hug carefully, fearful of her new strength hurting the older woman. Unshed tears burned her eyes. "I missed you too Grams."

When Kieran summoned her to help him greet his new guests, Layla never expected Grams to be among them. Grams...Layla didn't believe she'd ever see her again!

Pulling back, she gazed into her grandmother's gently lined face. "How are you here? Why? What's happening?"

"We'll catch up later, dear." Grams held up her hand to forestall the flood of questions. "The council has been called because I petitioned them regarding your father's decision to steal you away for Underhill." At this interval she sent a glare in Kieran's direction. "He has no true claim upon you, Layla and I will prove it!"

"Grams, things are more complicated than that. I traveled through time. I..." Layla faltered, biting her bottom lip, wondering how to explain the terrifying and wondrous things and people she'd encountered in Feudal Japan. And there was also Toga.

How did she explain how vitally important the demon lord had become to her? She barely accepted the existence of their soulmate bond, struggling with her feelings now that they were out in the open. Toga knew she loved him. He loved her.

Grams waited patiently.

Layla swallowed her doubts, unwilling to speak further in front of their audience watching them avidly like a drama-filled soap opera. "Never mind, we'll talk later."

Placing a comforting arm around her, the two women watched a dark-haired faerie clad in silver armor stride up the front steps to Kieran. Then sun bounced off his gauntlet as he presented her father with a bound tube of parchment. "Lord Kieran, the council regarding Layla Callahan will be held immediately."

Kieran opened his mouth to object. The steely expression on the knight's face forced him to close it. Tucking the message into his belt, he gestured for the company of faeries to enter the manor.

Grams clutched Layla tightly as the ethereal creatures floated past. They tailed the group inside, the quiet a calm before the storm. Liam broke away from the group, joining them. "Fiona, it's been a long time. How have you been?"

"Well, enough. I suppose I owe you some thanks for informing me of what Kieran had done." She admitted begrudgingly.

Liam winced, looking ahead to where his brother entered the banquet hall. "I hope he didn't hear that."

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