20. The Truest Bond

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Storm clouds clustered above, an ominous rumble of thunder cracking through the quiet. Night was falling and the torches lining the courtyard provided Layla with just enough illumination to get off one final shot.

Raising the bow to the corner of her mouth she inhaled as she sized up her target. Narrowing her eyes, she released the string. The arrow landed in the target with a satisfying thud in the furthest ring from the center. She wasn't disappointed with the results. Progress was progress after all.

With an air of triumph Layla lowered her bow and went to yank the arrow free from the wood. I'm getting the hang of this. Toga doesn't need to stand behind me anymore. I'll never be as fast as someone like Legolas but maybe I can do this.

Replacing the arrow in her quiver, Layla slung her bow across her back and crossed the courtyard to the porch outside her bedchamber. "After three days, I'm starting to improve." She pumped the air with her fists and did a little victorious shimmy much to the amusement of her one-demon audience.

Toga sat with his legs dangling over the edge in a relaxed pose, a pleased grin on his face. "Well done, milady! You are a fast learner!"

Sweating from the exercise, Layla plunked down beside him picking up a bamboo water bottle. She chugged the contents, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. "I'm happy and it's nice to feel more confident in myself." Kicking off her sandals, she wiggled her bare toes in the soft grass. "If anyone tries to hurt me at the council, I'll go for a nuts' shot."

Toga always took her metaphors literally. "You wish to shoot nuts as targets? For a mortal they will be difficult to see."

Giggling, she crooked her finger and he leaned in. Dropping her voice to a whisper she explained her meaning in his ear.

Toga blanched, covering his groin reflexively. "I must say, you are becoming quite ruthless."

Layla laughed and tapped him on the chin. "You're cute when you're scared." She blinked and leaned back on her arms. "Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever seen you scared before."

"Even demons experience fear." Toga told her somberly, his playful demeanor evaporating. "When you fell into the river that day, I was petrified."

Layla changed the subject, not enjoying the reminder about her swan-dive into the icy depths of the river. "Speaking of, since Sesshomaru is here should we leave?"

Toga was quiet for a minute. It's true. With Sesshomaru here, he had no place at the castle. He had tried to resume his duties but as the days passed, he gradually realized his time as Lord of the Western Lands was over.

He no longer possessed the tolerance for the various annoyances he once dealt with as a ruler. Toga covered Layla's hand with his. "I am still troubled over the attack on the forge. I would like to stay and discover the truth behind the incident. However, Sesshomaru is eminently capable of handling the problem."

If he stirred himself to do so. Toga thought darkly, aware his son believed many problems beneath his notice.

"Maybe I should go to the library and speak with Asahi." Layla mused, twirling a strand of damp hair around her index finger. She grimaced. "After I wash off this sweat of course."

"When these dark moods hit, Asahi is impossible to contend with." Toga warned.

"In my time, we call it depression." Layla countered. "People who suffer from this condition will withdraw and isolate themselves. They will even lash out at others to keep them away."

"I respect that you possess knowledge of this condition. In demons, this lashing out can be violent and deadly. One poorly placed word and Asahi could strike out."

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