6. Midnight Travails

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Two days after setting out, Inutaisho and Layla came across a mid-size village, the sun low in the pink streaked sky. Crossing the crowded bridge, they passed several travelers: samurai decked out in wooden armor walking alongside merchants pulling carts over-flowing with wares, and women hurrying toward home with the day's shopping.

A pair of samurai frowned in their direction and Inutaisho tugged on her wrist drawing her close to his side. "Stay near me. It is not safe to wander off alone, especially close to nightfall."

Too worn-out to argue, Layla allowed the demon lord tow her along while her bleary gaze traveled over line of shops girding the main thoroughfare, plumes of smoke rising from the chimneys. The scent of cooking meat and vegetables sent her stomach rumbling like the engine of a motorcycle.

For the most part, Inutaisho's concerns about her safety were unfounded. Noting his snowy hair and silk robes, the villagers gave him a wide berth.

A group of men with hard eyes sitting outside a teashop watched them pass, the open hatred blazing in their faces sending chills down her spines. Demons were clearly not welcome in this town.

Inutaisho's lip curled in a silent warning, revealing his fangs. They quickly averted their gazes.

Humans hated and feared demons from what she'd observed during her time in the feudal era. Remembering the field of corpses left behind in the woods, Layla could not argue with their feelings. Not entirely. Seeing Inutaisho tear through the men at the auction had been terrifying. She was glad he was on her side.

Glancing a moment behind her at the hostile group of men, Layla inched closer to the demon lord. "I don't like this place."

"Fear not, I am with you, milady."

She forced herself to shove her worries aside. A person would have to be insane to mess with someone like Inutaisho, a beautiful walking advertisement for death by evisceration.

Despite the violence he was capable of, Layla felt completely safe with him. Since rescuing her from the bandits he'd never given her any reason to fear for her life, treating her with absolute courtesy and respect.

Modern men could learn a thing or two about chivalry from him.

Inutaisho paused in front of one of the small shops, expression thoughtful.

Layla peered up at him. "What is it?"

He shook his head, clearing his thoughts. "Let us find a place to rest for the evening. We have been walking all day and doubtless you need to rest."

Layla's feet were killing her. "Sounds good to me."

Directing her down a narrow side street, they came across a small inn. The inn consisted of several small buildings connected by covered walkways opening onto a central courtyard.

Pushing aside the door hanging, Inutaisho and Layla stepped inside. Leaning down in the foyer, Inutaisho removed his boots placing them alongside the other guests'.

Having no shoes to remove, Layla stepped up onto the raised floor. A woman in a dull rust-colored kimono bustled up to them, bowing deeply in greeting. "Welcome to the Momodachi Inn, travelers." Her dark eyes widened as she got a look at the dog demon.

Inutaisho's deep voice rumbled through the entryway. "We wish to secure lodgings for this evening."

"O-of course, my lord." The hostess stammered nervously. "I will see that our finest room is prepared. In the meantime, would you and your... lady care for some tea?"

Layla snorted. Bedraggled and filthy, she looked like she crawled out of a sewer. No one would mistake her for a lady.

Inutaisho inclined his head regally like a king acknowledging one of his subjects. "That would be most agreeable."

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