23. On The Hunt

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Cloaked in invisibility, Layla's captor hauled her across the bridge deep into the demon market. The sounds and vibrant smells of their surroundings covered any small slip of noise from their concealed party.

A demon could have sniffed them out if it weren't for the abundance of cooking fires scattered around the field. The faerie deliberately charted a course through the noisiest and smelliest quarter to hide their presence from any pursuers.

Layla was disconcerted being invisible to everyone she passed. It was a very strange and unpleasant sensation to travel unseen through the world beneath the syrupy veil of Killian's magic. His power clung to every inch of her body like glue, the feel of him making her skin crawl with revulsion. 

One vendor sprayed a fine mist from the crystal perfume bottle for a prospective customer to sample. A powerful wave of jasmine misted over Layla and Killian as they passed the stall. She opened her mouth to cry out, gain their attention. 

She swallowed the urge aware Rin was being held at knife point somewhere nearby. Killian's asshole friend was invisible too, concealing Rin from view. For all Layla knew they could be walking right alongside them. 

Rin's frightened expression as the knife sliced a shallow cut at the base of her throat replayed over and over again in her mind accompanied by a large dose of guilt.

If Layla hadn't hesitated to shoot Killian, maybe Rin wouldn't haven't been abducted too. Her pacifism might well be the death of her. If anything happened to Rin Sesshomaru would slay her mercilessly. Not even her status as his dad's girlfriend would protect her from his wrath.

Layla must find a way out of this, even if she only helped Rin escape from the faeries' evil clutches.

Gritting her teeth in frustration, she stumbled alongside Killian, his fingers digging into her bicep hard enough to leave bruises. "Do not tarry, we have a long way to go." He hissed in her ear and fire shot up her shoulder where he jerked her arm behind her and high up against her back.

Layla bit her lip, the throbbing pain blossoming in her joints, bringing tears to her eyes. "You're going to dislocate my arm!" She snarled, thrashing against his brutal hold. "I guess you're done playing the seductive sprite, huh?"

"Perhaps I find your own charms wanting and no longer wish to make the effort to impress you." Killian shoved her forward, his grip slipping free. Though they were not in direct contact, his invisibility spell remained intact around them both. "The gods know, I cannot wait until this mission is over."

Layla doubled over in relief, clutching her burning shoulder. She stood there for a solid minute until the pain subsided enough for her to tolerate. Massaging the sore spot, she inhaled deeply. Focus. Just focus.

She let calm wash over her, stilling the fear clouding her judgment. Behind them somewhere in the castle were a pair of lethal demon lords, each capable of taking out an entire army by themselves. With their keen senses of smell Sesshomaru and Toga would scent Rin's blood and be able to follow the trail.

However, the market might muddle the scent trail long enough for the faeries to escape with Rin and Layla.

Clever faeries.

"Enough standing around, get moving!" Killian snapped behind her, a brusque shove to her shoulder blades propelled her forward.

Stumbling, Layla crashed into a table littered with hairpins, combs, and hair ornaments, knocking them into the grass. Leaning into her momentum, she dropped to one knee, grabbing a fistful of the pins before the vendor could gather her scattered inventory.

Killian yanked her up by the hair and dragged her away from the table, her head jerked back at a painful angle. Though Layla couldn't see him, she felt his hot breath on her face as he leaned close. 

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