Letters From Toga

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Layla has a conversation with baby. She reads some of the letters written by everyone's favorite dog demon and baby gets her name.

The cottage was quiet. Toga was down at Pappy's bar handling some mishap with a keg order. The perfect time to get in some reading. The baby kicked Layla's belly. She stroked a hand absently over her middle to sooth her unborn daughter. "Let's see what your daddy got up to when I wasn't around to keep an eye on him."

Another kick.

"I didn't mean that your dad is a cheat. I meant Toga has a habit of jumping first and thinking later. It's a trait he passed onto your older brother Inuyasha." Layla confided, rummaging through the first file cabinet.

Asashi had preserved the oldest letters between sheets of plate glass. Everything was organized in chronological order, so she began with the first letter from five hundred years ago.

"Toga has lived over 6,500 years. He was old when Achilles arrived on the shores of Troy seeking a glorious death." Layla continued the one-sided conversation with her baby. "When Leonidas and the 300 fell at Thermopylae."

Sinking down into one of the moss-green wingback chairs in front of the fireplace, Layla propped her slippered feet on the ottoman. "Toga was in Rome when Julius Caesar was assassinated." She tilted her head to the side. "I suppose I can continue listing historical events, but they won't mean anything to you yet, Baby Girl."

Layla sighed when the baby kicked her again. "We really have to decide on a name for you. I can't keep calling you Baby Girl forever." She wiggled her feet on the ottoman. "I know the women in our family have Irish names but I don't think they'd suit you, my little manatee."

Manatee seemed an appropriate nickname since the baby rolled around in her belly on a regular basis.

"Hmm.... what about Emily?" As soon as Layla said the name out loud, she wrinkled her nose. "Emily Callahan. Emily Inutaisho. Emily Callahan-Inutaisho." She shook her head, dismayed. "Your dad and I still haven't decided on whose name you'll have. We married hundreds of years ago but Toga thinks we should formally marry in this time. He's probably right but I'm keeping my name and not taking his."

The baby turned over.

"I know. Time traveling made a mess of things. You'll be born in the twenty-first century but were conceived in the fifteenth century." Layla laughed a little and perched reading glasses on her nose. The paper was faded with age and the writing a little blurry, so she picked up reading glasses at the drugstore. "Well, let's see what your daddy wrote to me. I'll read them out loud."

If she closed her eyes she could picture Toga in the castle study at his low table wearing a fine haori coat. His long white hair was loose, stirred by a gentle breeze from the window opened onto the main garden.

Opening her eyes, she focused on the letter and frowned. The ink appeared splotchy in some places. Toga's tears?


I am beside myself with anguish. How do I go on without you? Everything reminds me of you. The sun, your smile, the grass, your eyes. On the breeze I swear I hear your laughter. I want to sit beneath the Sakura in the spring and hold you in my arms, but I know this cannot be. Time cruelly snatched you from my grasp. I pray to find a way to you.'


How I miss you. We have finished burying the dead. Though Naraku is dead there is much work to be done for the village to recover. Homes are being rebuilt. Fields resown. My vassals have returned to the castle. I did not accompany them because the castle is the place we fell in love and holds too many memories. I elected to remain in the village and aid in the rebuilding.'


Inuyasha grieves Kagome's loss as I grieve yours. I know not how to help him. He is stubborn and closed off. I wonder what you would say if you were here? Miroku and Sango wed last evening. I wish our friends happiness but I cannot help feeling envy at their wedded bliss. You should have been in attendance by my side.'

Layla devoured the letters one by one. Reading about the triumphs and struggles Toga and their friends went through.


Many years have passed since I wrote my first letter. Our separation saddens me still, but my hope has been renewed. Young Rin has blossomed into a beautiful young woman. She is betrothed to Sango's brother Kohaku. Sesshomaru accepted the news with his usual calm. I can tell he is pleased his ward has found her place in the world.'

Layla smiled. Rin. She lived centuries before Layla was even born. However, she still pictured Rin as the bright-eyed curious child she befriended.

Her phone buzzed, interrupting her introspection.

Layla grinned when she saw Toga's number. "Hello, sweetheart. How are things down at the bar?"

"Fine. The order situation has resolved itself. Are you doing alright? I'm on my way home. Is there anything I can get you?" Toga asked.

"Pizza for dinner sounds good." Layla put the letters in the filing cabinet and retreated to the bedroom. "Mushrooms, tomatoes, and pesto."

"Takeout it is."

Her gazed landed on Toga's dressing screen and inspiration struck. "Sakura."

Toga sounded confused. "What?"

Layla clarified. "Let's call our daughter Sakura."

"Sakura." He repeated in a warm-as-bath-water voice. "I like it."

"Me too."

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