36. Before I Wake

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Sesshomaru stood in a Dublin café in the twenty first century. She thought her head was going to explode.

Layla tried to reconcile this stranger with the white-haired pretty boy from the Feudal Era. Sesshomaru's markings were gone. No pointed ears or claws. His hair was ebony, likely dyed. His gold eyes were likewise hidden behind colored contacts. He was wearing a charcoal pinstripe designer suit with a white shirt and matching tie beneath. The demon lord even had a white silk pocket square to complete the chic ensemble!

Sesshomaru regarded her expressionlessly. "Are you going to continue to gape at me like a fool or allow me to sit." He indicated the delicate wrought iron chair across from her.

Well, this guy was an ass and most definitely Sesshomaru. Hand trembling, she pointed to the chair. Sesshomaru sat. "How are you here?"

Sesshomaru raised a brow. "Demons are essentially immortal. Five hundred years did not kill me."

Its true. He looked the same age as back then. But...he was still different.

Layla waved her hand impatiently. "That's the wrong question. I should have asked why you're here?"

"I came for Colin Callahan's funeral." Sesshomaru answered. "If you're asking why I'm in the café I came to order coffee."

"You knew Grand Pappy?"

"I met him after the second World War."

Pappy would've just gotten back home from France. Layla was surprised her great-grandfather befriended a Japanese man with the war still fresh on everyone's minds. Pappy was truly a progressive person. "Pappy never mentioned you."

"I asked him not to." Sesshomaru gazed at the sausages steaming on Layla's plate. "He knew. About everything."

For Layla, only a short time had passed since the Feudal Era. But for Sesshomaru it was ancient history. "I'm surprised he didn't think you were crazy when you told him that story."

"Colin was very open-minded. He knew there was more in the world than what the humans allow themselves to see." He replied coolly.

"Do you know Grams?"


Sesshomaru wouldn't have befriended her family if Toga insisted. He seemed to defy his father at every turn. Which meant the demon lord voluntarily reached out to the Callahan family.

Could he finally have accepted Layla as a part of his family? Or was it Colin Callahan's unique charisma that stirred something in Sesshomaru's icy heart? Something told her, it was the latter. The demon lord regarded Layla with the same disdain he always had.

The last of her patience eroded. Layla lunged across the table to grab Sesshomaru's hand, upsetting her coffee. It flooded across the table and spilled into the demon lord's lap. "Toga! Where is he?" She said urgently. "I need to see him, I need to-" She trailed off as her brain caught up.

She just spilled coffee on Sesshomaru.

The demon lord glanced down at his soaked pants and pulled his hand away. "Enough!" He commanded, dabbing at the rapidly spreading stain with a wad of napkins.

I'm dead. Layla thought dully. This is Sesshomaru and I just ruined a suit probably worth thousands of dollars. He's not the forgiving sort.

Sesshomaru didn't kill her. He did something far worse. He killed her hope. "When did I ever mention my father? I am here alone."


Layla fell back into her chair. Her belly roiled at the plate of fresh sausage on the table. "Toga he's..."

Tears welled in her eyes, blurring Sesshomaru's face.

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