Chapter Eighteen

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I couldn't believe it. I had no clue how I didn't see it coming. I was super mad at myself as I left Liam's house. 

I picked up my phone. 5 missed calls, 20 new text messages, and 2 new voicemails. All from Liam. I wanted to forgive Liam, I really wanted to. But there was no way! He cheated. Does that mean all the times he had said 'I love you' were all fake? This didn't sound like Liam at all. Liam is sweet, funny, and all the things you could think of. I didn't know the story behind him cheating, but I'd rather not know...okay, that was a lie. I kind of do want to know...

"Gab?" I heard my dad say. He came in with my mother and they sat on each side of the bed. I saw Mom holding a plate of cookies. 

"They're from Liam." Mom placed the plate on my nightstand. "Honey, we may not know what happened, but we want you to know that we're here-"

"I know, I know," I said, cutting Mom off and sitting up on my bed. 

My parents had worried looks on your face. 

"Will you be okay?" Dad asked. 

I nodded and closed my eyes. "That was in the past, this is the future, and Liam and I are not a couple anymore. It's over."

My parents got up from the bed.

"There's still Lucas..." my mom said with a cheerful voice. 

"Mom!" I yelled. 

"Sharon!" My dad sorta yelled. It wasn't as loud as mine though.  

The door shut. I kept thinking about what Mom said. 'There's still Lucas'? No, no there's not. I rejected him and he moved on with that. I-it's my fault that we're not a couple. I know Lucas would have treated me better.

Why did I reject him though? Because I was scared. We've been friends for years and I thought that it'd be too weird to be a couple. He is like a brother to me-I didn't know what would happen if we became a couple. 

I checked the time on my phone and saw that it was 2 o'clock. Yikes, I got to get going to my therapy session. Well, I found something to talk about with Dr. Barnes. 


"Lucas asked me to be his girlfriend more than a year ago," I said to Dr. Barnes. 

"How did that make you feel?" She asked. 

"Scared," I finally said after a long pause. 

Dr. Barnes nodded her head and jotted down on her notebook. "Why did it make you feel scared?"

"Well-" I started, but nothing came out of my mouth. I sighed. "...he's like a brother to me. It'd be really weird."

"Did you share the same feelings with him? Did you like him back?" Dr. Barnes asked. 

"No," I said quickly, shaking my head rapidly. 

Dr. Barnes smiled. "So I'm thinking you denied his request?" 

I nodded slowly. 

"And how did you feel when you rejected him?" 

Man, questions on questions on questions. It never stops. 

"Well, I remember running back home..." I trailed off. I ran back home and hurt myself. I slowly lifted up my sleeve and lightly rubbed my scar to give her a hint. 

Dr. Barnes finally got the idea and jotted it down on her notebook again. "Gabby, how do you feel when someone mentions your scar?"

"I feel nervous...?" I said unsure. 

"Why do you feel nervous?"

"There's a flashback. The flashback of me holding the knife. The flashback of the blood... makes me feel anxious and nervous. I hate it when someone talks about it." I looked down at my hands. "Besides Liam. He makes me feel comfortable and he supports me." I cracked a small smile. 

"Do you forgive Liam for what he did?" Dr. Barnes asked. 

I paused. "I-I don't know." I felt my face fall.

"If he cheated on you with another girl, that wasn't Kathy, would you be as mad?"

"No-but I'll still be upset, though," I said, looking up at Dr. Barnes. 

"What is it about Kathy you don't like?" Dr. Barnes asked. 

Um, what? We just went from talking about Lucas to talking about Kathy. 

I sighed. "She's a brat, she's popular, she's pretty. Everything I could have asked for...except the brat part."

Dr. Barnes chuckled. "Gabby, don't you realize that beauty is not just on the outside, right? It's also in the inside too."

I scoffed and crossed my arms. "That's not what guys think."

"How do you know?"

Ooh, good question. I don't. "B-because they're guys!"

Dr. Barnes placed her pen and clipboard on the table. She crossed her legs and put her hand on her knee. "Gabby, that's a bias. If not, a prejudice. Not all guys are like that. Yeah, some guys may be jerks and want to have girls with Kim-K bodies, but there are other guys, guys like Lucas, Liam. From what you've told me, Liam and Lucas sound like both great guys. And seems to me that Lucas wanted to be with you because he thinks you have a great personality. Gabby, you're a great, amazing person. We may not know the reason Liam cheated on you but we know for sure that he loves you. I advise you to have a serious talk with Liam. If you guys talk it out properly, you may be a happy couple again."

I sighed. "You're right. I'm sorry." 

"There's nothing to be sorry for. You didn't know." Suddenly, Dr. Barnes's timer rang. 

She got up from her seat and shook my hand. 

"I'll see you next session, Gabby. Please, try my advice, will you?"

"I will," I assured Dr. Barnes. 

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