Meeting the Avengers

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A very worried Pietro  grabs peter right in time uses his superspeed to take peter to the med-bay. He rushes him to med-bay in the tower scaring shit out of Bruce who almost turned into Hulk and Stephen who calmed Bruce down.

“Help him please help him he’s bleeding he got shot” Pietro pleads to both doctors who without any further questions take him to the med-bay.

Wanda However took the elevator by the time she reaches,  Pietro is  running around outside the operating room , he couldn’t keep his worry at bay , it’s like nervous habit of his .

Stephen helps as much as he could because he’s not much of use because of the damaged nerves he has in the hands. Bruce does most of work , he removes the blood stained hoodie and the T-shirt he was wearing. Peter’s eyes snap open , again scaring both of the doctors.

“Where am I ? What’s going on?” he questions at first , then it comes all rushing back to him.

“Oh right , I got shot by that mugger trying to rob a old lady and she gave 80 dollars for saving her life…what ?”

“how are you not panicking ?”

“Well this has happened far too many times so yeah”

Stephen and Bruce are genuinely concerned about their patient now.

“get it over with Dr. Bruce Banner, If I wouldn’t have been shot and dizzy right now I might look so nervous, I am big fan of your work Dr.Banner  , I have read all your works , I wrote even an essays on your work, it’s a pleasure meeting you” he attempts to shake hands only wincing at the pain , this brings back Bruce out his trance and he gets to work.

“That’s gonna hurt” peter remarks as Bruce is about to removes the bullet in his hand. “huh , it didn’t hit the bone , good for me” he says to himself. Stephen is amazed by this kid’s cool-headed personality

As Bruce continues to work peter talks with Stephen, “oh my god ,Your Dr. Stephen strange I can’t believe I am meeting a renowned Neuro-Surgeon. Pleasure  to me you too Dr. Strange. Oh right I forgot to introduce myself , my name is Peter, Peter Parker.”

“Its done” Bruce says , “you might have needed blood transfusion but looks like you’re quite unique and you heal faster”

“I do ?”

“yes” Bruce replies

“I will keep that in mind”

“ Don’t be reckless just because you heal fast , okay?” Bruce says to which peter nods and says “I would never” Bruce laughs knowing those were just empty words.

“so you are that kid who got Wanda and Pietro gifts , huh ?” Stephen asks peter

“Maybe” he replies

“Bruce doesn’t he need a painkiller?” Stephen asks Bruce , Bruce rushes to take a injection to get the pain killer injected

“Dr.Banner , you don’t have to , they don’t work on me and it doesn’t hurt that much” peter says so fast if they hadn’t been paying attention , they wouldn’t have understood what he said

“but…” Dr. Strange , but oh that puppy eyes again , ‘what kind of  sorcery is this’ Stephen wonders

“ok then suit yourself , kid”

“Friday , Please inform Pietro and Wanda peter is fine and awake now” Bruce request Friday

“sure thing , Dr. Banner” the A.I. chimes

Then hurried footsteps could be heard , Wanda and Pietro burst open doors making peter wince much to his discomfort it made him feel more dizzy as the sound was tenfold to his ears. It didn’t go unnoticed by both Bruce and Stephen , now that they observe his upper body they’re so shocked to see scars littering his upper body.

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