1:11 - Rosephayne ✦ a death wish

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Darker than Blanc
1st Life | Daybreak


[1: 11] — Rosephayne a death wish

"It's not getting any better out there Ross," her brother said. "People are dying everywhere. Thriving cities turned ghost towns, even the Queen died. And... the council is pushing for a witch hunt. They believe, this calamity is caused by a witch."

"Witches don't exist." Rosephayne muttered.

"Then, we must've incurred the wrath of some vengeful god up there," He nodded. "Do be careful, we're planning to move east to Rinada—"

There was a pause, and she knows that her brother would ask her to go with them. But she couldn't leave the forest. This is her last memory with her late husband.

She can't leave this forest, and her brother knows this.

".....I can't go with you" she whispered softly, not bearing it to see his reaction. "I can't go with you brother."

"This isn't the time to be stubborn now. They're hunting women left and right. Women, children, widow— the temple and the royalty have gone mad with this incurable plague. If you don't die of the plague, humans will kill you," He reasoned out, eyes in the similar shade of green tearing up. "You're my only sister, please, leave with us. You can even take that apprentice of yours too. We have distant relatives from Rinada who would shelter us."

"I don't want to leave," She said resolutely. "I have lots of memories with my husband in this forest. Plus, why would you leave our heritage? We are the guardians of Mystic Forest, Nel." She stressed, glaring at her brother.

"What good would heritage be if you would die?" It pained her heart when she heard his voice break at the end. "I'm friends with the head of the Royal Guards... they said that this plague is a curse.... they're not just killing witches... if those cursed fae still exist..."

"Brother!" Rosephayne covered her mouth, aghast. They were the protectors of the forest, and by extension magical creatures.

"I did my duty to you. I warned you Rosephayne." He said sternly, similar green eyes staring her down. This wasn't her brother anymore, this was the head of their family. "If you have a death wish then stay here."

He walked out of the cottage with heavy steps, then she exhaled slowly when he left... trying to stop the tears from falling....

Those cursed fae...

She wasn't blind... even she could notice it. The faeries and other magical creatures were obliterated in the previous king's rein, but now the new monarchs were trying their best to rule fairy to magic folk and humans alike.

Their family, as the guardians stand in the middle of magic folk and humanity...

This wasn't a normal plague.

It was the curse and hatred of the slain faeries.

See, the thing about faeries is that when one dies, their magic power is absorbed to the living relatives. Thorin, as a half-fae must be the last of his kind... unable to sprout wings but is the only heir to a generation of magic.

He must've been the one that caused the plague, before Rosephayne found him stealing from her garden.

She looked out at the setting sun, making up her mind.

This plague, this persecution would only end upon the death of the last faerie. The royal guards are closing in. It's either she gets to Thorin first—

Or the king gets his head on a pike.

To be continued...

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