7:1 | Thaddeus ✦ your future is bleak

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7th Life | Darker than Blanc

7:1 — Thaddeus | Your future is bleak

  There was really no way for them to be related in any way. Thaddeus had walked the path of darkness, and no one can stray him from it.

"Ah, you dropped your pen." Thaddeus looked up, to see an incredibly beautiful girl standing beside him. Her long locks of platinum blonde hair reached past mid-back, and her flowery scent was mesmerizing. He never noticed someone like her before. She was holding his ball point pen.

"Thank you." He gave her the usual automatic smile.

"You're welcome." She nodded then turned her back, gripping her bookbag on one shoulder and walking towards the front seats of the classroom.

— — — — —

"I'm planning to court Rosaline," Francis Rosseau suddenly brought up out of the blue. "if that's okay with you Abel." It was as if he was asking permission.

It was  a blistering cold winter. Thaddeus and Abel were sitting in front of the fireplace, revising their notes on a fine Wednesday evening. Then Rosseau himself sat next to them. Thaddeus really doesn't have anything against Rosseau, he was a kind and respectable man. But who the hell was Rosaline?

Abel Scaarsberg frowned in distaste. "Oh man, why'd waste yourself on her?"

"She's your cousin isn't she?"

"Well yeah, exactly," Aberline looked as if he was forced to agree. "But are you sure about her?"

Rosseau shrugged. "We've been friends for a while. And our families are close too. My parents are pushing me to court her...."

ah, so it was theatrics between the rich families again. Thaddeus decided to drown out their conversation.


Why did he allow himself to be dragged in this shady shop?

    He should be over in his lab revising his biology notes. Just a bit more... he could even reverse death itself. Something no one has ever done before. Instead of living forever... reversing death seems like a more plausible cause. A medical miracle in itself. He could only imagine the nobel prizes he'd win if he'd somehow manage to accomplish this wild feat.  Plus he also has to take into consideration that cells could only multiply at a certain rate... it has a limit so—

"Malcolm?" Abel poked his shoulder. "are you alright?"

He blinked. Aside from making an essay in his mind...

"I am fine," He walked forward, ignoring his apprehension. The deeper his friends walked inside, the shop was getting darker, dimly lit by artificial blinking green lights. "Are you sure this seer is legitimate?"

Aberline stuck his nose up in the air. "My aunt swears by it!"

Thaddeus Malcolm Rosovsky isn't someone interested in folly prophecies or fortune telling. But rich families from Carell Republic, despite living in the time of technological advancement, were extremely superstitious . Ridiculously superstitious. It was an odd juxtaposition how they use cutting edge, avant garde technology but still believe in something as asinine as destiny and fortune telling.

Apparently, in Carell Republic, around the age of 15 you should have your fortune told. He drowned out Abel's tirade on the number's importance and your future being woven. Seeing as his father was locked up in his research and his maternal grandparents from Adrimore Empire hated fortune telling and prophecies, Abel somehow put it on himself to make sure that Thaddeus gets his fortune read.

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