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An unmarked black car was quietly humming its way down the road, the streets were soaked in the blackness of the night, it seemed to consume the energy of those inside. it ware almost 4am and the car had been going for well over four hours. It wasn't much fun for those inside the men were unknown to each other and no one was in the mood to chat. Instead they just sat there with there rucksacks slung across there backs making it hard for them to sit down properly.

The road in which there were currently crossing was very bumpy making it hard for any of those on board to sit still, however there were no complaints on the contrary the men welcomed it because it meant that they were just a few more minutes away from base.

Corporal George Brown the least senior of all of those on board thought about this as he looked up at the celling. It made the journey much more bearable knowing that in just a few minutes he would be in Fort Wood his home away from home. It was one of his favorite bases, the lifestyle of course never changed but that wasn't what mattered. He knew some of the regular staff there quite well and some of his friends were sometimes posted here with him, which always made life easier. In his mind he was already playing out the next forty-eight hours. He would go and get himself checked in he'd go to whatever barrack he was herded into. After that he'd put all of his equipment away strip down then go to sleep. Although he was tired he knew he would be lucky if he got more then three hours sleep and after that he would shower get changed then go down to breakfast. He could already smell the bacon sausage and hash brown. It was as good as army food got, which in fairness wasn't saying much. Once he was do with breakfast he would be made to freshen up on all his drill he would run the obstacle course practice his marksmanship and do some personal training. Not an ideal program for those deprived of sleep but oh well once its over life will be back to normal.

Still though George thought anything would be better then what he was doing the week before. The civil war in Chad was getting worse by the day. US and other NATO nations have been in Chad ever since terrorists hijacked the revolution. It never bothered George that he was fighting for a dictator the terrorists were worse by far. The terrorists killed thousands of innocent people and were responsible for numerous attacks on the United States and other nations. As bad as a dictatorship is a country ruled by terrorists is always worse. He was fighting the worse of two evils in his mind that was enough.

He had killed a man in Chad although never really felt any regret about it killing a man is never a pleasant thing and he was glad that he wouldn't have to do it again for a least a few months. Eventually the car stopped the driver got out and had a short discussion with the guards the car was quickly waved on. The car began to move again it past several buildings all of which George recognized instantly. They drove on past the enclosed building with large metal door at once he recognized that it was the electronic targeting range. It was like a regular range except you use false rifles which fire ultraviolet light at a target in a screen about ten meters away. The targets are made very small to compensate for the disproportionate range.

Further down the road was the officers quarters one which he hoped one day to occupy. Just for pride of course he noted despite was some recruits believe the officers quarters are not all that different from regulars quarters. The only real differences are that you have desk and the rooms are less crowded.

Finally the car stopped just outside of the barracks George opened the door and got out as did everyone else the lined up in three ranks as the register was called.

When the Major called out "Brown" George stood to attention and stamped his foot "Major" he called out and the Major ticked off his name. Once the register had ended he was led into his barracks. He opened his rucksack and put various miscellaneous objects away in their proper place. Once he was done he stripped to his underwear and got into his sleeping bag. Sleep came easily as his mind drifted away just minutes after he closed his eyes.

The next day he was woken by the lights being turned on he was at once snapped awake he sat up and looked around the room. For the first time he saw those who he would be working with for the next three months. He saw that there was one woman in the room her head was completely shaven even more so then some of the men. However asides from this she was quite an attractive women. She was in her early twenties and was of a fair build and had very smooth skin, although the way she was looking at the men suggested that a date was the very last thing on her mind.

It didn't matter anyway a relationship was completely out of the question doing so could have him kicked out of the army for good. There were also three men in the room; one was a black man in his late forties who was already awake and dressed by the time George woke up. Despite what the time he rose at might suggest he was not particularly well disciplined. His uniform was shaggy and he had a long unkempt beard, which will end up being a pain if you're involved in a muddy exercise. The other two men were both in there thirties one was heavily built like a body builder. The other was a skinny chap who didn't really look in place in an army base. He was yawning relentlessly as he rubbed his eyes and itched himself. George hoped that he didn't keep this up during training or the instructors would murder him. 

He could have worse people to work with George reasoned at least no one was too shiny a solider who could potentially make him look bad. George got up and began to get changed he had only been asleep for two and a half hours so he was pretty much awake already. Once he was changed he headed down to the mess hall to have breakfast.

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