Past secrets

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George and the others had dragged the Generals unconscious body through the streets and he was now lying down in the boot of the car. They had got off the main roads they were safe.

The young man started laughing and soon everyone including George joined in. "We just walked into a north korean base and walked out with one of their generals!" The young man said before he started laughing again George agreed it was ridiculous but they had done it and it felt good. Max kept on driving the car a GPS system told him where the aircraft was.

The general was starting to come back around he was moaning in the boot and whispering to himself. It was only a short ride and then they would get in the aircraft though George had no idea where they were going next.

George closed his eyes for a few minutes it felt good to be out of danger for once. He only opened them again when they had arrived back at the aircraft, George yawned and got out of the car. He stood waiting by the aircraft whilst Max and three others hauled the General along each holding a limb he was a heavy guy. Max opened up a box and got out a pair of handcuffs he handcuffed the general's hand behind his back behind his chair.

Everyone got into their seats preparing for take off Max turned on the throttle the ride was even more violent than it had before. They were moving through a rocky field the aircraft shock from side to side. George didn't mind to him the sooner they were out of North Korea the better. He just sat back in his seat and let it all happen.

Soon enough they were in the air and Max was talking to Headquarters. "We have are man where are we going next?" Max said commandingly to whoever was at the other end.

"Were putting the location on your GPS It's a old island off of Greece its and ex CIA training camp. Take him there and shake him down for everything he knows." George heard a voice say from the other end off the radio.

"Roger that."

"How does Greece sound to you?" Max asked George jokingly.

"Greece is fine." George replied sitting back in his seat he knew that there was a long plane journey ahead of them. George did mind though he wanted to get some sleep everything he had been though today had exhausted him.

Sleep came easily to George soon he drifted off to sleep, he slept peacefully and dreamlessly his mind seemed to just turn itself off. In the few blissful hours of sleep George was able to forget about everything. His mind was cleared of everything that was going on and he entered a state of complete and total peace.

When George woke the plane was landing he was confused and took a few moments to figure out where he was. He looked out the window and he saw a few islands in front of him. One island was bigger than the others and had a few plain buildings on it everything else was water. As the plane got further and further down George could see that the base hadn't been used in decades all the buildings were deserted and everything had been decayed by time.

The aircraft came hurling down to an aggressive landing the whole plane shook from side to side. George looked back remembering that they had a prisoner. The general looked calm enough he just sat back in his seat looking staring at the back of the seat in front of him. George was glad he was calm he was used to having prisoners who would be screaming and crying the whole time. There was once a time in Chad when George was in a prisoner of war camp he ran into the prison's cellblock because he thought he had heard a baby crying. It turned out it was just some captured terrorist. George thought it was funny that they tried to big themselves up when they were in battle but once they were captured they were reduced to toddlers. He guessed that his calmness came with his experience he been through worse before and he wasn't about to cave in now.

Apart from wanting to relax George didn't care if he was scared or not he didn't doubt that they would be able to make him talk one way or another. The plane landed and George reluctantly got out. Max and two others took the general by his arms and lead him though the island.

The group naturally floated towards the biggest building which was located right at the heart of the small island. The general offered no resistance he just walked with them. The group walked right up into the building curious to find out what was inside.

They walked in and went into a room on the right hand side of the entrance it made it clear it was a barrack. The room had a bunk bed, a desk and a wardrobe nothing else. However to George it didn't look at all familiar the desk's wood was rotten and there was a pile of sawdust on the ground. Everywhere was covered in dust and cobwebs it hadn't been used in a long time.

They sat the General down on the bottom bunk and then left the building, it was fine to leave him there was no where for him to go and he didn't have any weapons. The group left the building to discuss what they had to do next they stood out just in front on the entrance. Max locked the door to the barracks just to save them the trouble of having to look for him if he tried to run.

"Okay we have to interrogate this guy make him tell us everything he knows anyone got any skill in that area?" Max asked as he looked around at the men.

"I've interrogated prisoners before but how can we do it none of us speak Korean?" George said there were a few murmurs of agreement from the others.

Max smiled "I thought you might say that." He dug into his pocket and produced what looked like two hearing aids and two small microphones. "Put one of these on him and one on you it'll translate everything you say." This time George smiled.

"Lets go get him." Max said opening up the door to the barracks the group walked back into the room where they left the general. He was still there sitting patiently. George put in his earpiece and microphone Max grabbed the general and he put the gear on the general. He looked a little bit confused but not scared or angry.

"We'll wait here he's all yours." Max said. With that George grabbed the General by the arm and walked out. George started to wonder around the island to try and find a room, which was appropriate to interrogate him in.

George knew it would be quite a small room so he ignored the second biggest building, which was most likely, the mess hall. There was a building, which opened up though a single door George guessed that might have been this room.

It turned out it was a 100-meter indoor firing range not ideal for an interrogation. George struck gold on the third room in was a small room with one light, one metal table, two metal chairs and mirror glass windows. Some of the mirror glass was shattered and the light didn't work. George decided to leave the door open to let some light in.

He told the General to sit down and he obeyed there was a brief pause George decided to begin.

"Look I don't want to be here and neither do you so if you tell us what we need to know we can both get this done with and move on." George said as nicely as he good sometimes being friendly was enough to get a prisoner to start talking.

The General said something and half a second later it was translated into English. "Fuck you."

George sighed before responding. "I don't think you understand the situation this is a CIA base and you are responsible for the death of ten thousand Americans. For your own good you need to start talking."

"War has casualties."

"Unless you want to become one of them you shall tell us what you know because we can do whatever the hell we want to you."

"Fuck you" The general said once again this time more angrily.

George sat back in his chair thinking in silence he was clearly hard to intimidate he had to try a new strategy. This wasn't easy either he didn't have anything to offer the general. George thought back to the range he still had his gun George had an idea a bad idea but one that might just work.

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