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The plane flew silently through the morning sky after what Max had just done no one wanted to talk. The young man seemed scared of Max but he was alone in that. Everyone else just wanted to avoid talking about it some thought it was right others didn't. George was keen to get on with the mission he reasoned once they were getting back into action they would begin to forget about what he did.

George was wide-awake he had been well rested but he had also gotten used to being awake he was in the mode for action. Max seemed slightly distracted perhaps he was starting to regret what he did if he said so it would make things easier for everyone. One of the men had discovered a light on the ceiling, which made the inside of the plane nicer for everyone.

As the journey dragged on the men started to get restless they started moving around more and grumbling. There was nothing for them to do but to sit and wait for it all to be over, it wasn't too bad in George's mind. Boredom was a nice contrast from the constant terror of war he was used to once in a while he found it nice just to sit and do nothing. He didn't think about the war he didn't think about anything really he tried his best to keep his mind in the present and right now the present was very peaceful.

Eventually he entered a state where he was almost asleep he wasn't quite able to push himself over the edge into sleep. However when he finally came out of it the plane was landing George readied himself for the decent. The plane swooped down much more violently than it had before causing George to feel his stomach being pressurized. As it got further and further down the plane began to shake more and more violently until finally the plane pulled up for landing.

The plane landed in the middle of a field so the landing was very aggressive the plane rocked from side to side and it slowed down. George and the other got ready to leave his body was feeling weak he had barely moved in the last four to five hours. George had lost feeling in his lower legs standing up felt awkward. He picked up his pistol from underneath his seat and placed in in the inside pocket to his suits blazer. The group finally started to pour out of the plane and into the field; they appeared to be in the middle of no where George was slightly confused at why they were sent here.

"So where do we go?" One of the men asked Max.

"West the positions on my GPS one kilometer." Max replied pointing to reinforce his point. The group started wondering toward where Max was directing them. George kept himself in front of the others seeking to stay away from Max. He didn't exactly blame him for killing the general but after arguing with him the way he did he thought it was best to stay out of his way.

The group kept on going until they saw a small diner Max kept on looking to check that they were in the right place but sure enough that was the place marked on the GPS. The group speed up when they got close they saw that there was a large hole in the far sidewall of the diner. Half of the diner seemed to have caved in on itself all originating from a large hole in the inside of the diner. George guessed it was some kind of bombing but it seemed like a kind of random place to attack. George was worried that someone had killed those who they were supposed to be meeting.

The group walked right up to the diner the door was missing and through the hole George saw that general Adams and a man in a suit were sitting down. The group moved inside two men sat down in the two available chairs, which were still there. The rest of the group remained standing no one said anything George eventually spoke up. "What happened here?" George asked referring to the massive hole in the diner.

"Suicide bomber." General Adams replied casually.

"For you?" George asked.

"I don't think so there have been bombings all over this place if they were coming for me they'd have known I wasn't there." There was a long pause no one had anything to say George hoped that they would move on to the briefing.

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