Cover blown

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George was snapped awake by the sound of a series of loud bangs George jumped up and looked to his door he saw the door shaking from whoever was on the other end banging on it.

"Sid. Sid get up now" George said moving over to Sid's he shock him hard "up now!" He said sternly Sid's eyes flickered open as he looked at George. There were more bangs on the door George was counting his blessings that he locked the door.

"What's going on." Sid said sitting up he was rubbing his eyes hard he clearly hadn't woken up much.

"I think our covers blown we have to hide."

"Shit." George looked around the room desperately searching for places to hide everything he was looking for was far to obvious. The knocking got louder it was obvious they were trying to bust the lock off. George could only think of one place to hide it wasn't the best hiding place but it was his only hope.

"The celling get up on the celling." George whispered to Sid as he put his foot onto the wall and held onto the other wall with both hands. George climbed up with his legs so that he was lying just a few feet below the celling.

Sid tried to copy him but fell down the door was already starting to give way Sid desperately grabbed a chair and pushed against the wall with his hands and legs. The door gave way it swung open George saw three men in black uniforms walk in. They were all armed with pistols, which they held out in front of the legs.

The man in the front turned around he looked confused the man just behind him looked underneath the bed. They exchanged a few words the man at the front swung his weapon around as the other two continued to tear the room apart.

George just tried to hold on to the walls as hard as he could his palms were sweating uncontrollably making his grip loose. George kept his breathing controlled he was just meters away from the three men below the slightest sound would give away his position.

George was close to losing it one of the men walked directly underneath him he was a matter of inches away from him. The men starting taking again and they started walking away each of them walked underneath George. George felt his leg brush against the last man's head as he walked out making him struggle to contain his breathing.

George waited a few seconds until the men had left the room before jumping down there were a infinite number of questions running though his head. How was he caught? What was going to happen to Max and the others?

George heard a voice shouting from the corridor he recognised that the voice belong to Ashanti Sall "did you think you could spy on me right under my noes and I wouldn't realise? Did you?" he put his ear to the door to listen to try and work out what was happening after a few moments Ashanti started talking again. "No not here I don't want blood on my carpets take them outside and shoot them."

It didn't take a detective to work out what was going on Sid was standing next to George repeating the words oh my god over and over again. George went to the backpack he filled with weapons and took out two pistols he kept one and handed the other to Sid.

"We're leaving? If we go out they'll kill us." Sid said he was shaking with fear.

"They'll kill us anyway this way we have a chance. Stay behind me and shoot anyone you see with a weapon."

"I'm going to die here aren't I?" Sid said his eyes were swelling up with tears George didn't answer back he didn't want to think about it. He opened up the door and walked out Ashanti was standing next to the group. There were all were handcuffed and beaten there were about a dozen men escorting them through the palace.

George saw an opportunity to complete what he started he raised his gun a pointed in in Ashanti's direction. He fired wildly at him almost causing him to lose control the entire corridor filled with the sounds of gunfire. He didn't hit Ashanti but he got one of the men leading the group out the bullet went straight through one of the men's spine.

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