Final preparations

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Ashanti was sitting in the meeting room of the palace he was at the front of a long table along which about fifty people were sitting. Between them the held the power to control the war against America between them they could wipe America off the map. This was it Ashanti thought they were finally moving into the final stage what he had been waiting for his entire adult life. The meeting was almost over and everything had gone to plan just as Ashanti knew it would.

"Okay everyone the targets have been selected and the terms of the final stage agreed upon does anyone have any final questions?" There was a short pause then an Asian man in a black suit raised his hand.

"Suppose we fail do we have any contingency plans?" He asked no one else responded they knew that that was Ashanti's job and they knew he would do his job correctly. Ashanti grinned at the question before responding.

"We will not fail I assure you we have looked at every element of the attack they is no way that it can be prevented." Ashanti was confident that he was telling the truth it was him who had the idea for the nuclear assault and he had personally overseen its preparations they would be no fault.

"It just seems like good practise to have a plan b." The man retorted being as polite as possible. Ashanti chuckled at the statement.

"Maybe so but in this case it isn't necessary our final victory is easily within grasp it is no longer the case we need to be preparing for impossible scenarios." To this the Asian man said nothing he doubted he had been convinced but it was clear the man wished to remain polite. "Any other questions?" Ashanti added to prevent there from being any further arguments. Another man an old man wearing a turban spoke up he spoke in Arabic but his translator decrypted every word.

"Who are the men you are planning on using for the job? They will need to have very special training space engineering is a rare skill." Ashanti nodded it was a fair point and he felt that it was only right he gave it proper acknowledgement.

"I'm afraid it would compromise the mission to reveal the identities of these men but I assure you the have been well trained. All of the men involved will have had experience in space we have also built a life size model of the nuclear satellite we plan to attack for them to practice with. When they carry out the attack they will have done it a hundred times over already." Once again Ashanti had shut down the argument quickly and cleanly he felt proud of himself for handling such arguments so well.

"Anything else?" Trying to remain friendly no one responded. "Very well then you may all be on your way." With that the men quickly got up from there seats and began to leave the room Ashanti waited until they were all gone and then burst into laughter. He was overcome with joy for the first time it felt real he knew for fact he was about to blow America off the map.

Ashanti felt immensely proud of himself for the genius of his plan it was the perfect end to the war, which he had created. What pleased him most was how poetic it was a nuclear satellite which America put up to threaten the world was about to turn its weapons and destroy America. Twenty-five missiles twenty-five cities. George looked at a sheet summarizing the effects of the weapons they're a list of cities to be hit. Twenty-five cities Ashanti viewed as being the most evil the biggest sources of corruption were to be gone forever. He read the sheet saying there was an estimate of one hundred and ninety one million one hundred and seventeen thousand casualties. He'd read the figure a thousand times and it still amazed him.

He sat back in his chair and laughed powerfully from his chest soaking in every moment of anticipation. He thought back to his life before he was sure that his father would be proud of him if he could see him now. He decided not to think about the bombing of his house his revenge was about to be completed and he felt it was time to remove it from the focus of his mind.

Right now his mind was in the present he was thinking all about the now because now was the best time of his life. He waited until he was certain the others were all gone before walking up to his room he had left it in quite a mess last night. He picked up a bottle of whisky from of the floor and took a long gulp. He didn't care what he did he didn't care about anything else except for the war to him the war was everything.

He turned on his computer to see the latest news he opened up his emails he scrolled through to find the latest news. He opened one of the emails up it recorded details of attacks on areas they did not control yet. He read the summary and ignored the rest he didn't feel the need to know all the details. There had been a bombing on a New York train a shooting in a Boston military base and another bombing in a Philadelphia police station. The news didn't really matter to Ashanti the attack were nothing when compared with what was to come. He read some more emails the front have moved by forty miles since yesterday.

Ashanti almost thought they didn't need the nuclear attack but he wanted to wipe out America completely. Besides he didn't like having his allies killed on the streets of America anything that could finish the war even a day earlier was worth it. He thought about the men on the frontline he imaged how joyed they would be to be free from fighting.

Ashanti turned off his computer he was fully aware of the situation he lay back on his bed taking everything in. He closed his eyes he was imagining everything that had happened in his life he cast his mind to the slums of Ghana. Miserable times Ashanti thought he spent his time trying to find anything on the streets he could sell with his mother and sister. Every so often he would find himself in the middle of a fire fight seeing this was what first made Ashanti hate America.

Then of course when he was fifteen a bomb landed on his house he was eating dinner with his family at the time. Then suddenly his entire family was ripped from his life he remembered digging around in the house for hours looking for them but they were gone. After that Ashanti was left alone to roam the streets trying anything to survive. If he had kept living like that he wouldn't have lived to see today he would have ended up dead in the streets.

Then he found another family nine months later a group of the Ghanaian Liberation Army members found him. Ashanti instantly fell in love with them they were the only ones fighting against the Americans. They took him under there wing taught him how to fight and how to survive. He continued with them for eight years. Then the civil war ended and the men went home and once again Ashanti was alone. This time though he couldn't stop fighting he hated Americans with all his being he had to take action.

So for fifteen years Ashanti travelled the world searching for people anyone who hated America as he did. For fourteen years the search was fruitless after all the years there were only about five thousand people who agreed to work with him. Then the ETS was revealed to the world suddenly people entire countries were throwing themselves into Ashanti's alliance. Then the war began and for the first time Ashanti felt purpose in his life he was finally beginning to get his revenge.

It seemed strange to Ashanti all the happiness he was feeling was strange to him he was normally depressed and angry. It was a strange experience when he first heard the ETS was shot down he didn't know what he was experiencing he thought he was having some kind of attack.

Ashanti's memories finished and he gradually drifted off to sleep he had big plans coming and he would finally have his revenge on the Americans which took his family.

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