Off the record

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Sid had lead George out into the garden to show he where the computer room was located. "You see that tall glass building?" He said without looking up. George knew what he was talking about the top floor of the palace. The room was made up of about a dozen or so large glass windows inside George could see a whole load of high tech computers. Each had a least one person watching over it and occasionally tapping away at keyboards.

"How are we going to get them away from their keyboards?" George asked they appeared to be stuck. Any actions they took to try and get them away from the computers would mean that they would see them and then there cover would be blown.

"We could try setting off a fire alarm?" Sid suggested.

"They'd see us activate the alarm."

"No I mean an actual fire I could go to the kitchen and accidentally set something on fire."

"That's not a bad idea, give me ten minutes to get into position and then you set off the alarm."

"Okay lets do this." The two walked back inside Sid began to walk towards the kitchen and George walked upstairs. He tried to think of an excuse to get as high up as he could he looked at some of the other servants they seemed busy attending to the whims of the men who lived in the palace.

George decided that he would pretend to be taking orders for food or drink it would seem convincing he could even ask the people in the computer room. Even if he wasn't supposed to be there he was new it would be an easy mistake to make. George knocked on one of the doors he would look suspicious if he went to them before anyone else.

The door opened and an old general was standing at the door George put his hands behind his back he guessed that's how he was supposed to act disciplined and respectful. "Is there anything that I can get for you sir?" George said trying to sound as polite and confident as he could he was scared that the general would know something was wrong.

"Yes I'll have a sixty old scotch on the rocks."

"Of course sir." George had seen the slums on the way into the palace there were children starving in the street and the government was spending thousands on the general's drink. It disgusted him but George had to play along for the sake of the mission.

He walked down the stairs he looked at the map of the palace he was given to find the cellar it was at the back of the palace. George broke into a jog wishing he'd asked for more than ten minutes he jogged just slow enough as not to arouse attention. After what George guessed was three to four minutes he burst into the cellar. He looked around for twenty eight year old scotch but couldn't seem to find any anywhere.

George picked up a bottle of forty five year old scotch he hoped that the general wouldn't be able to tell the difference. He shaved some ice into the glass there was probably a correct way to make it but he didn't know how. George picked up the glass and walked as fast as he could back up to the general he knew he couldn't make any more stops after he'd given him his drink he'd have to go straight up to the computer room.

George knocked on the generals door and waited impatiently for him to answer when he did George presented the drink to him. He knew he did it too quickly but he stood by it the general looked at it a bit strangely he knew he'd got the ice wrong. He took the drink and took a sip he gave George a dirty look he could tell the drink wasn't what he asked for. George ignored him and walked off he had bigger problems to deal with.

George got into the lift and pressed for the fourteenth floor it was the highest in the building the lift started moving up when George heard the alarm going off. He pressed the button on his earpiece to talk to Sid.

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