Honest answers

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George was sitting in the front of the airplane Romeo was lying on the ground whimpering to himself. George kept his gun aimed at him in case he had any funny ideas. Max was in the cockpit trying to explain the situation to the pilots. Only one of them spoke English and they both seemed pretty pissed off there was a lot of shouting. George was drinking one of the in flight bradys to calm himself down and kill the pain of the fight.

Three people had died one of them was a soldier they had been sat down on the seats the passengers were pretty shaken up. George looked at his eyes they were blue and they confused George in the photo the eyes were green. George assumed it could be either contact lenses or surgery either way there was no doubt that he was their man.

George's neck still hurt from where Romeo had been strangling him he looked forward to interrogating him. George finished his brady and walked to the back of the airplane where all the supplies were held. George got out a first aid kit for his scratched hand he applied some alcohol gel to his hand to sterilise the wound. The gel made the wound hurt George clenched his teeth but still let out some grunts.

George then put the bandage on the gel cushioned the bandage so it stuck naturally to his skin without hurting to much. He didn't worry about it George reckoned the cut would heal in a week he'd had been through worse. It occurred to him he hadn't felt anything when he killed the man and he still didn't. He was trying to kill him it was strange most of the times he had killed it affected him but not this time this time it affected his conscience about as much as making a sandwich.

George felt like the numbness should be upsetting him but it wasn't he didn't have the time or energy to care anymore he just wanted peace. George took another drink from the refrigerator he didn't think anyone would care. The stewardesses were sitting down with everyone else completely terrified. It was a whiskey this time quite old too he took a deep drink it warmed his mouth and stomach. The drink soothed George's mind he took another drink it was the best thing in the world.

He looked back at the other soldiers they were all sitting together talking George decided not to join them he wouldn't know what to say. He simply stood at the back of the plane and drank the plane started to turned around Max must have persuaded the pilots. George sighed they were going back into action all they had to do was make Romeo talk.

George walked back to one of the seats he sat down four rows away from the other he wanted to call Sarah put he knew that phone calls could be tracked he couldn't risk it. For now memories would have to do he sat gazing out the window remembering her face. The plane started landing George closed his eyes trying to savour every moment he wasn't fighting. Slowly the plane descending he looked out and saw that they were landing in the air base. George was think that there were going to be some very confused tourists walking out the plane.

The plane landed George wasn't used to a landing so smooth it was nice to have a aircraft driven by professionals rather than Max. The plane landed there were dozens of soldiers surrounding the airplane they were all unarmed but they just stared at the plane. George and the others walked out together. The officer they met walking into the base was standing there waiting for them George walked out followed by Max with Sid just behind him.

George walked up to the officer he had a very serious look on his face. "Do you have Romeo?" He asked. George didn't say a word he just turned a let him see the two of them dragging him by his arms towards him.

"Sorry about the tourists." Max said as he walked up to the officer.

"Its undesirable but I'm sure we can get them dealt with shortly." The officer said frowning he didn't what to lead them to think he made light of the matter.

"Have there been any casualties?" The officer asked George thought back to the officers warning the shit was about to hit the fan.

"Four one of them were ours." Max replied he looked down at the floor.

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